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Y/n's eyes fluttered open, her surroundings swimming into focus. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, she found herself lying in a hospital bed, the sterile scent of disinfectants filling the air. Confusion and disorientation washed over her as she tried to piece together the events that had led her to this unfamiliar place.

Y/n's gaze wandered around the room, taking in the clinical white walls adorned with charts and monitors. The steady beep of machines served as a constant reminder of the medical environment she now found herself in. A mixture of anxiety and curiosity gnawed at her, urging her to seek answers.

A soft voice broke through the silence, drawing Y/n's attention to a nurse standing nearby, monitoring the various instruments.

"Ah, you're awake. Welcome back. How are you feeling?" Nurse smiling gently.

Y/n's throat felt dry and scratchy as she tried to speak, her voice barely above a whisper.

"Where am I? What happened?" Y/n said hoarsely.

The nurse's eyes reflected empathy as she approached the bedside, her tone soothing and reassuring.

"You're in the hospital, dear. You were brought here for evaluation and care. There were concerns about your well-being."

Y/n's brow furrowed as she struggled to comprehend the situation. Memories of being taken forcefully from her home and the encounter with the old woman and the others resurfaced, casting a shadow of unease over her thoughts.

"The old woman... Sana... and the others... they brought me here. But why? What's wrong with me?" Y/n asked.

The nurse's expression softened, her voice a comforting presence amidst the uncertainty.

"Your family and friends were concerned about your health, both physical and mental. They felt it was necessary for you to receive professional care and evaluation. You've been through a lot, dear. We're here to help you."

Y/n's mind buzzed with a myriad of emotions as she absorbed the nurse's words. Confusion mingled with a tinge of gratitude for those who cared enough to intervene in her life. The mystery surrounding her past and the old woman's claim began to take on a renewed significance.

"Can you... can you tell me more? About what they said... about my health and why they brought me here?" Y/n's voice filled with a mix of trepidation and curiosity.

The nurse nodded, her demeanor compassionate as she settled into a chair beside the bed, ready to offer the explanation that Y/n sought.

"Of course, dear. But it's best if we wait until the doctor arrives. They have more insight into your situation and can provide a clearer understanding of what led to your hospitalization. For now, try to rest and know that you're safe."

"But.. My husband and daugh--" She was going say something but the door creaked open, revealing the familiar faces of the people who had brought her here. Sana, the old woman who claimed to be her mother, and the other individuals stood before her, their expressions a mix of concern and compassion.

"Y/n, my dear daughter, we're here for you. Please, try to understand. We only want what's best for you." Her voice filled with love and sorrow.

Y/n's heart pounded in her chest as a surge of panic gripped her. The memories of her husband Taehyung and their daughter flooded her mind, mingling with the uncertainty of her current situation. Fear and confusion battled within her, rendering her speechless for a moment.

"Taehyung... My daughter... I need to go back to them. I can't be here. Please, let me leave." Y/n's voice trembling.

Tears welled up in Y/n's eyes as she pleaded, desperate to reunite with her family, the foundation of her life and her source of love and stability. The weight of the unknown and the separation from her loved ones overwhelmed her, igniting a fierce determination to return to the life she once knew.

The old lady stepped forward, her eyes filled with sorrow and understanding, as she gently took Y/n's hands in hers.

"My dear, your health... your well-being is our utmost priority. We believe that being here, receiving the care and support you need, is essential for your recovery. Please trust us, trust that we have your best interests at heart."

Y/n's emotions surged, a whirlwind of love, fear, and frustration. She felt torn between her longing for her family and the uncertainty surrounding her health. The battle within her intensified as she grappled with the choice she needed to make.

"I... I love them, but I don't understand what's happening to me. Please, help me understand. Help me find a way back to them." Y/n's voice chocked in emotion.

The room fell into a heavy silence, each person present reflecting on the weight of Y/n's plea. The old lady exchanged a sorrowful glance with the man acknowledging the pain and confusion that consumed Y/n.

Y/n's heart ached, torn between her longing for immediate reunion and the recognition that she needed the care and guidance offered by the medical team. With a mixture of hope and trepidation, she made the difficult decision to trust in the process, knowing that it was a crucial step towards unraveling the mysteries of her past and securing a brighter future.

As the weight of her decision settled upon her, Y/n's gaze shifted from person to person, seeking solace in their presence, in their shared commitment to her well-being.

"I understand that you care for me, but Taehyung... he's my husband. He's the one who has been there for me through thick and thin. I need to go back to him. Please, let me go back to Taehyung." Y/n's voice was trembling.

Man eyes glistened with tears as she reached out to hold Y/n's trembling hands, her voice filled with empathy.

"My dear, We believe that your health and well-being require the care and expertise available here. We want to help you recover, to find the answers you seek."

Y/n's emotions battled within her, torn between her love for Taehyung and the need to understand her own condition. She felt torn, her heart pulled in two directions. Yet the ache for Taehyung's presence remained undeniable.

"Taehyung. He's my anchor, my love. I need him by my side to face whatever comes next." Y/n voice choked with emotion

The room fell into a heavy silence, the weight of Y/n's words hanging in the air. The old lady expression softened, her voice filled with compassion and tears was falling down from her eyes.

"I leave my daughter alone in the house.. I have to go" Y/n was trying to climbing from the bed. Man was sad and frustrated too. He close his eyes and held her shoulder tightly.

"Fucking stop it, Y/n..Taehyung and jiha die already.


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