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Y/n froze in shock, her heart pounding in her chest at the man's harsh words. The room seemed to spin around her as her mind struggled to comprehend his statement. Her hands trembled as she reached out to grab onto the edge of the bed for support, her eyes wide with disbelief.


[ Flashback ]

Y/n lay on the hospital bed, her body tense with anticipation. Beside her, Taehyung cradled Jiha, their precious six-month-old daughter, in his arms. The room was bathed in an atmosphere of nervous excitement as the doctor prepared to examine Y/n's stomach using a machine. Y/n and Taehyung leaned forward, their eyes fixated on the screen, anxiously waiting for the revelation that could change their lives.

The doctor, wearing a warm and reassuring smile, finished the examination and turned toward the couple. Their voice carried a mix of professional and genuine joy as they delivered the life-altering news. "Congratulations," the doctor exclaimed, their voice laced with excitement. "You're pregnant!"

Y/n's eyes widened, her breath catching in her throat. She exchanged a glance with Taehyung, their expressions mirroring a blend of disbelief and overwhelming joy. Y/n's heart soared with a whirlwind of emotions as she processed the profound meaning of those words. They were going to bring another life into this world, expanding the boundaries of their love and family.

Unable to contain his elation, Taehyung's smile stretched wide across his face, his eyes sparkling with happiness. "Y/n, did you hear that?" he exclaimed, his voice filled with awe. "We're going to be parents again! Our family is growing!"

Y/n's eyes glistened with tears, a mixture of happiness, wonder, and a hint of apprehension. She gently reached out to touch Taehyung's arm, her voice quivering with emotion. "Taehyung, it's truly incredible. But Jiha... she's only six months old. Are we ready for this? Can we handle having another baby so soon?"

Taehyung's gaze softened, his love and support shining through his eyes. He shifted closer to Y/n, his voice filled with reassurance. "I understand your concerns, Y/n. We're embarking on a new chapter sooner than we expected, but love knows no bounds, and our hearts are capable of nurturing more than we ever imagined. Jiha will grow up surrounded by love, and we'll ensure that she and her sibling have everything they need."

A mix of relief and conviction washed over Y/n's face as she absorbed Taehyung's words. "You're right, Taehyung. Love doesn't divide; it multiplies. Our hearts will expand to accommodate the needs of both our children. Jiha will be an incredible big sister, and we will embrace this new blessing with open arms."

The doctor, observing the intimate exchange between the couple, couldn't help but smile, feeling privileged to witness such genuine love and support. "It's heartwarming to see the strength of your bond and the love you share. Parenting is a beautiful journey, and I have no doubt that you will navigate it with grace and joy. Now, let's discuss the next steps and important considerations," the doctor continued, their voice filled with professionalism. "Given that Jiha is only six months old, it's crucial to closely monitor your health and well-being throughout the pregnancy. We'll schedule regular check-ups and provide you with the necessary guidance to ensure a healthy and smooth journey."

Y/n nodded, her eyes filled with a newfound determination. "Thank you, doctor. We're ready to do everything we can to ensure the well-being of both our children. Please guide us on how we can best prepare ourselves for this wonderful but unexpected journey."

The doctor smiled warmly, appreciating the couple's commitment and eagerness to embrace their expanding family. "First and foremost, we'll start by establishing a prenatal care plan that suits your specific needs. We'll monitor your health closely, perform regular ultrasounds to track the development of the baby, and provide you with appropriate dietary and lifestyle recommendations. It's essential to prioritize self-care during this time."

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