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only four chapters left...sorry this sequel won't be long chapter wise

Jimin drinks some tea while sitting in the living room. The day was gloomy and rainy. He had a bad feeling within him today. Yoongi would constantly try to remind him to remain positive being that it would be good for the pups growing within him.

Speaking of the pups Jimin has started showing pregnancy symptoms. Little things like morning sickness and constant hunger were the stereotypical symptoms, but it's what he was feeling. He knows from here on out as he pregnancy progresses quickly, things will get worse.

"What's wrong Yoongi hyung?" Jimin asked softly as he noticed his best fiend pacing back and forth

"I can't get in touch with a few of my friends in Green, Yellow, or blue village...i'm quite worried" Yoongi said with a tense expression

Jimin looks at him wide eyed "Y-You don't think it's the M-Moon Pack do you? I thought our forces were able to hold them back"

Yoongi just crouches down on the floor and holds his head "I-I don't know but I really don't have a good feeling about any of this"

"GUYS!" Seokjin runs into the living room frantically "Turn the television on!"

Jimin gulps starting to feel creeped out. He does what he's told and turns the television on. Immediately they were welcomed with a loud and disturbing sound of horns. Then the news channel shows breaking news in bold font. The newscaster whom usually looked relaxed and happy for this channel looked scared.

"We have breaking news. It appears that the Moon Kingdom has infiltrated our capital, the Purple Village." The man says still in his professional new casting tone. Then footage shows war planes in the air, above Purple Village "We have been informed that we are all under attack. We highly encourage all citizens to hide and take shelter in underground bunkers that are spread out across Purple Village...please he safe everyone"

Then the signal goes out showing nothing but colorful strips and white grains on the television. Jimin immediately jumps up from his seat and dials Taehyung's number first. It rings for a while until a panicked Taehyung answers the phone.

"Baby? JIMIN? Are you okay? W-Where are you?" Taehyung asked as loud planes and people screaming are heard from over the phone

"Taehyung-ah...I'm s-scared...where are the bunkers? Me, Jin, and Yoongi hyung are a-at home. W-Where are you?"

Taehyung sighs "I went to go get Jungkook from work earlier— just in time too. We're on our way home to pick you and your friends up now. Thankfully, the enemy hasn't gotten to that part of town yet"

Jimin sighs "Okay s-so just wait here?"

"Yes, and maybe hide in the basement. We will be there in about five minutes! I love you okay?"

Jimin felt a lump in his throat he wouldn't know what to do if he lost his two alphas "I love you and Jungkook too...see you soon"

The phone hangs up and Jimin clutches the his shirt near his chest. Yoongi sits closer to Jimin. "What did they say?" he asked Jimin frantically

a chaotic serendipity book 2  ★ vminkook ✓Where stories live. Discover now