Issue 188

16 1 0

Go Go: Hey Pete, Are we still meeting after school?

Peter: For what again?

Go Go: Night Patrol.

Peter: Oh yeah of course.

Go Go: Ight catch you later Tiger.

She nudges me and we walk to our classes.

After school we meet up.

Hiro: What is Karmi's problem?

Baymax: Without a thorough scanning, I am unable to determine if she suffers from any health anomalies.

Go Go (Over comm): Are you really not getting this?

SM (Over comm): Look up Hiro.

We jumped off a sign that we were chilling on.

Go Go: Karmi doesn't have friends. The only thing she had going for her; being the youngest genius at the school. Now, that's your thing.

SM: You took her thing.

Hiro: I don't want it to be my thing! I have my own thing!

Baymax: My scanner is picking up a disturbance, nine blocks to the west.

Sm: Who needs a police scanner when you have a walking scanner.

Hiro: And there's my thing now!

Sm: Oh yeah action time!

I swing and they fly into the direction. We start to hear music

kinda a banger not gonna lie.

???: Okay, Juniper, practice is over. I want you to show me you have "it"!

Juniper: Oh, you know I have it! 'Cause I'm about to bring it!

???: Do you have to dance?

???: You'll understand when your older son.

???: You'll understand when your older son

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