big roommates 2

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(School Lunch)

Go Go: Mm... What is that?

Fred: It's Mystery-Loaf. 'Cause it's Mystery-Loaf Monday.

Hiro: So you have no Idea what's in that thing?

Fred: Well, then it wouldn't be a mystery, would it?

Baymax: Although it does no have the shape, color or texture of any known natural foods, consuming it will not cause permanent damage.

Fred: Well, that's good enough for me. (Fred Takes a bite) Mmm, I detect notes of beef by-product...or is that hair net? No, no, no, no ,no, it tastes like... Cilantro? WHY? So gross! (Fred grabs Go Go's cup of water and drinks it then hands it back.) I'll eat around it. (One of Honey's chem balls evaporated the meatloaf.) Hey!

Peter: Well at least now you don't have to worry.

HL: Oops! Sorry Fred.

Hiro: Uh, Honey Lemon, this might not be the best place to reload your chem-purse.

HL: Maybe not, but this is the way I get to mix my two favorite things, my best friends and chemistry. All done.

Wasabi: Honey Lemon! You're alive! I didn't think i'd ever see you again!

Go Go: Did you go mad scientist again?

Peter: Damn and I missed out on being mad.

HL: Oh, it was no big deal. My roommate made lemonade, and I tried out a new formula for instant ice.

Peter: Yep I missed the Fun.

HL: Don't worry my roommate's fine. Look, she's right over there. Hi, Regina! Sorry... again.

Hiro: So, uh, where are you gonna live, well, you know, until your apartment thaws?

HL: Hiro, the world is a good place. something will work out.

Fred: You two have your own place don't you.

Go Go: You live in a giant mansion, don't you Fred?

Fred: I do, but my parents insist on an in-depth three-year background check for overnight guests.

Wasabi: Can't be too careful. (Eats a fry with one side of ketchup and the other ranch and but down the middle part.) Lots of weirdos out there.

Peter: Ah...Nope nevermind.

Go Go: Well, you wouldn't like our place. And it's a sketchy neighborhood.

Peter: Reminds me of Queens.

HL: There's no such thing as a bad neighborhood, just bad attitudes. How big of a smile would it take to get a "yes"?

Peter: She could use my bed under the stairs.

Wasabi: You two don't sleep together?

Peter: Well we never wanted to rush something like that but I guess we can start now.

Go Go: Fine.

HL: Yay!

Wasabi: A move? Oh, I am so in. This is totally my jam.

HL: See? When you have amazing friends no problem is too big.

Go Go: I think I saw that on a bumper sticker on a bashed-up old car in the junkyard. Anyone need anything? I'm getting more water. My glass is half empty.

HL: Actually it's half full.

Baymax: I have scanned the glass. It is 51.2 percent filled.

Go Go Drinks the rest of it.

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