Baymax returns part 2

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Fred: Ladies and gentle-heroes, Since we kicked so much butt, at, well, you know, kicking so much butt, I took the liberty of designing our very own...superhero signal!

HL: Ooh!

Fred: Heathcliff, hit the lights. (Drumroll) Ta-Da!

Peter: "Halp"?

Fred: Yeah, that's supposed to be "Help." Heathcliff, did we keep the receipt?

Heathcliff: Uh, we did not, Master Frederick.

Fred: Okay, so we'll just go with "Halp." People will know.

HL: Freddie, I heart your enthusiasm, Really, I do. But I had to freeze someone yesterday. I'm not comfortable with that.

Fred: Don't beat yourself up Honey Lemon. I'm sure he thawed by now. Guys, this is no way for Big Hero 6 to talk.

Go Go: Big Hero 6? Really?

Fred: My brain stormed an epic list of team names, and that one tested best, with an audience of me. The power of six! Come on, guys, I need at least one more hand from each of you. Come on, you know you want to.

Go Go: Look, Fred, it was a one-time thing, saving you two knuckleheads from Yama.

Peter: Should have kept him as an ice sculpture in our apartment.

Go Go: No!

Peter: Kidding.

Fred.I could have sworn that I heard from someone–I don't want to name names, but it might rhyme with Bobo– That this was just a one-time thing when we stopped Callaghan!

Wasabi: okay, so it was two times.

Go Go: And that's it, we're done. we don't need a team name.

Peter: Don't wanna agree but kinda have to unless Hiro can make me a suit more flexible it's gonna be hard no hate on this one it's just too tight.

We left Fred's place and headed home. For the next few days Fred has been Hassling Hiro to make the team happen

We meet up at the cafe and the breaking news comes on

News Guy: Breaking news now. Seemingly indestructible robots have invaded Night Market Square, Annihilating everything in their path. We're also getting reports of destruction on shimomoto Boulevard. I think it'll be smart for you to avoid that area. Who is behind this Robo-Rampage?

HL: Oh, no.

Hiro: Yama.

Go Go: He bootlegged Baymax?

Wasabi: Baymaxes. Plural. So plural

Peter: Damn imagine them all being healthcare bots.

Go Go: But they're not.

Fred: Okay, so, a bunch of killer robots are loose in the city. Know what this sounds like?

Wasabi: A nightmare I had once?

Fred: No! It sounds like a job for Big Hero 6! You guys are gonna love the name when you see the t-shirts.

Go Go: The police can handle this.

Police: We can't handle this.

Go Go: (Sighs) Lets suit up.

Hiro: Baymax still needs his armor. I've got to finish it. I'll meet you guys just be careful!

We start heading down there

SM: Wow Reminds me of "I robot" down there.

Go Go: Really movies now?

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