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Houston, TX

It was a cool Tuesday morning and Anaria was up in the kitchen whipping up a quick breakfast. Since she didn't have to be at office until after it opened, she decided to get up early and prepare breakfast for her siblings. Solai assembled the breakfast bagels and made sure she added extra bacon to Anaris's. She plated both and grabbed two apple juices from the fridge along with their preferred jelly being: apple, grape and strawberry. She opened all three and placed a plastic spoon in each.

A couple minutes later, Anaris and Sunny was making their way into the kitchen.

"Goodmorning, sis." Anaris slid into the bar stool and spooned some apple jelly—spreading against his bagel.

Sunny yawned and slid into her seat. "Goodmorning, Lai."

Solai furrowed her eyebrows and cocked her head slightly to the side looking at her little sister. "You didn't go to sleep last night?"

Sunny shook her head and propped it up with both of her hands. "No. I was up practicing my lines for my audition."

"Go ahead and eat so you can gain some energy." Solai shook her head and pointed to Sunny's plate.

She leaned against the counter with her arms folded across her chest admiring her siblings. Solai smiled internally at how far they've come. Being that they were in middle school when their parents died, they understood what happened and took it hard—as expected. They went through some long nights and early mornings together. No matter what has been thrown at Solai, she wouldn't trade her siblings for anything in the world.

"Alright Lai, we're about to go before we miss the bus."

Anaris talking pulled Solai from her thoughts. She smiled and pulled two fifty's from the pocket of her shorts and held them out. "This is for lunch. Y'all meeting me at the bakery or the office?"


Solai nodded her head and took their plates up—dumping the scraps before placing them in the sink. Once she heard the alarm beep, she knew they had left. Quickly washing the dishes, Solai put everything back up and wiped down the counter before jetting upstairs. She walked into her room and flipped the light switch before stripping from her clothes. Tossing everything into her dirty clothes basket, Solai made her way into her bathroom and turned on the shower. She replaced her bonnet with her shower cap and jumped in.

As Solai was standing in the shower letting the devil's juice beat against her skin, she thought about the day her fiancé called off the engagement and announced that he was in love with her bestfriend.


"Solai, we need to talk."

Solai was in the kitchen standing behind her purple Kitchen Aid Mixer, mixing up some sugar cookies from scratch for her babies, when her fiancé walked into the kitchen. She looked up and smiled. Besides her siblings, he was one of the reasons she kept going everyday. "Hey baby, wassup?"

"You know I love you right?"

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