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- English is this

Y/n's POV:

 "Okay, so from what I was told, Felix, Han and I.N are all already hanging out at the cafe so they all should be here soon. I.N is driving them back to their shared apartment to grab the things that they need." I tell everyone in the kitchen. "Okay. Well go up to your room with Seungmin and I'll bring I.N and your other friends up when they get here." Chan says after we spent 30 minutes of Seungmin and Chan getting to know each other. "Thank you!" I say. "Come on Minnie, we can set up a fort or something." I stated pulling him up the stairs. When we got to my door, I opened it and smiled. "Woah, your room is huge." Seungmin exclaims. I laugh. "Oh yeah it is. Come on, I have blankets and pillows in my closet, and we can set up a fort while we wait for the other three to arrive. After when finished building it, we start to decorate the inside of it. "What lights should we use?" Seungmin asks. "I have some LED fairy lights?"

Chan's POV:

I hear the front door move a bit while I was sitting in the living room with Changbin, Lee Know and Hyunjin. A moment later, I hear it open, and I hear three voices. "Hey Chan? You down here?" I hear my boyfriend yell. "Yeah. In the living room." I respond back. A few seconds later I see my boyfriend with who I assume is Felix and Han. "Hey baby. These your other friends?" I asked, seeing two blonde guys standing next to him while they held each other's hands. "Yup. This one," He starts pointing at the blonde one with freckles. "Is Felix. He's the one I told you was born in Australia." I.N finishes. "G'day mate." I say to him. I watch as Felix smile brightly at that. "Hey mate!" He responds back. "Then you must be Han?" I ask the other blonde guy. He nods his head. "That would be me, it's nice to meet you finally. Y/n talks a lot about her brother." He explains. I nod my head. "Oh hell. Hey Lee Know, Changbin and Hyunjin." I.N says. "Didn't see us at first?" Hyunjin quizzes. "No. I just ignored you." Says I.N sassily. I sigh before turning my attention back to Han and Felix. "These are my friends. The short one with the black hair is Changbin." I say. "What the fuck man." Changbin says. I hear everyone laugh at that. "It's true. Anyways, the guy who is slightly taller with black hair is Minho, but we all call him Lee Know." I introduce. "Well, everyone except Y/n. She calls me MinMin and Lino." He pipes in. "I've noticed she calls most people by nicknames. She's given each of us at least one." Felix says. "That's Y/n for you. She's done that since she was younger, that's how I've ended up with Channie and Koala as nicknames. Anyways, the one with the pink hair is Hyunjin." As I finish introducing them, I hear a noise from upstairs. "Chris! Are they here yet?" I hear my sister yell down the stairs. "We've been here Y/n!" Felix yells at her before I could say anything. A moment later, I hear her door open and then quickly close as she runs down the stairs over to her group of friends. She jumps onto Han's back and holds onto him.

Y/n's POV:

"Sungie! Bboki! Innie! You made it!" I cheer while still on Han's back. "Yes, we made it. You ready for an amazing sleep over?" Felix asks me. I smile widely. "Of course I am." Before I could say anything else, I hear Chan clear his throat. I roll my eyes at him. "What's wrong Chan?" I asked him. "Why don't you take I.N and Seungmin up to your room, I want to talk with Han and Felix to get to know them a little bit better?" Chan asks. He gives me a look telling me it wasn't an option. I sighed a little bit. "Fine, come on Innie, Minnie and I made a fort in my room, you can help us put the finishing touches on it with us." I say. "Oh Y/n. Can you also take Lee Know, Changbin and Hyunjin with you?" Chan adds. I look over at Seungmin and I.N to see if they were okay with it. The nod their heads. "Sure! Come on guys." 

Chan's POV:

I watch as everyone minus Han and Felix go up the stairs. I looked back and saw they looked nervous. I mentally smacked myself. "Don't worry, I'm not here to question you or anything. I just wanted to get to know both of you. Y/n talks a lot about you two, along with Seungmin. I got to know Seungmin a little bit earlier when they got here." I told them. I watch as they both visibly sigh in relief. "What do you want to know?" Felix asked me. "Anything you want to tell me. You are friends with my sister, and I know so far from what she's told me is that you are all basically attached at the hip. So, whatever you want to tell me about, I'll listen to." For about fifteen minutes, Han and Felix told me about themselves. I learned that they were both dating each other, and that Han is pansexual, and Felix is bisexual. "Well it's great to have gotten to know you both. I'm happy because very recently, Y/n went through so much. Her life got flipped upside down in the span of a couple of years. Then one day, out of nowhere she had you two. You both brought the sun back into her life and suddenly, she was the same Y/n I remember.

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