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2 days before the open house

Y/n's POV:

Felix and I laid on the floor of the little dance studio room in my house. "I think we have it perfectly; we can keep practicing though. There's two days until the open house." He says. "That's fine, I'm glad Chan is letting you all sleep over so we can keep practicing. I have to practice this with you and the song and dance I did with Seungmin and I.N by Friday." I said. "Let's be fair, Chan let us all stay over so he can spend time with I.N. He is his boyfriend." Felix jokes. I shake my head. "You are not wrong. Anyways, we finished practicing for today. Can you go get Innie and Seung that they need to come in here so we can run through Can't Stop again." I ask him. Felix nods his head and turns to leave the room. "Don't forget that afterwards we all need to go to sleep. They want us at the school early tomorrow for dance so we can show the teacher how we've done so far with the dance." He reminds me. I groaned at that. "Fuck that's right, the chorus teacher also wanted to see Seungmin, I.N and I so we can go over everything for Friday." 

Felix's POV:

I walked down towards the living room where Han was sitting with Chan, I.N, Seungmin, and Lee Know. Chan was sitting with I.N and Seungmin was sitting next to Lee Know. I noticed Han looked over at me and stood up. "Hey Lix!" Han says coming over too me, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I smiled. "Hi Sungie." I said back. I turned over to Seungmin and I.N. "Y/n wants you guys to meet her in the practice room so you three can practice Can't Stop together." I let them know. Han grabs my hand and pulls me over to where he was sitting and hugs me. I laugh at him for this. "Clingy baby." I tease him. "Only for you."

Y/n's POV: 

I was stretching when I heard the door open. I looked up and saw I.N and Seungmin in front of me. "Is this our last run through for today?" Seungmin asked me. I nodded my head. "Yeah. Since we have to be at the school early, I want to run through it one last time." I explain. "Okay." I.N says. For the next four minutes, we ran through Can't Stop for the umpteenth today. It helped a bit that our chorus teacher let our other teachers know that we were going to be busy and not really in class. I think the only class that the five of us go to together is chemistry. After chemistry, Seungmin, I.N and I go for the next two classes go to the chorus room and work on our singing skills with the teacher. After that, Seungmin and I.N then go back to class, and I meet Felix in the dance classroom to work on our dance for the last two classes. Often times, Han joined Felix and I at the dance studio. He said it gave him motivation for the lyrics he was working on. After the three of us finished, we all laid down. "I cannot wait for this open house to be finished. We've been working so hard for the past week and I'm ready for it to be over." Seungmin groans. "I agree." I.N adds on. I sat up and grabbed my water bottle. "Oh! Y/n, did you write the note for tomorrow?" I.N asked me. I looked away and nodded my head. "Yup. I have it set in my notebook so I can rip it out and put it in one of their lockers." I answered. "I think they like them. I mean they haven't thrown them out." Seungmin says. I shook my head. "I doubt they like them. I can't imagine just randomly one day getting a random note from someone you don't even know and liking it." 

Han's POV:

"Hey Han?" Chan asked me from the kitchen entryway. I looked over at him. "Can you go let Seungmin, I.N and Y/n know that dinner is ready, and they need to get down here now or they won't get anything?" He asked. I nodded my head. "Yeah, I'll be right back." I said. I let go of the hug that Felix had me in and headed to the dance room. Once I got there, I opened the door. None of them had noticed that I walked in. "I doubt they like them. I can't imagine just randomly one day getting a random note from someone you don't even know and liking it." Y/n says. I felt confused. Was she talking about the notes Felix, and I were getting? And if so, how does she know about them, we never once talked about the notes with her. I shake my head before clearing my throat. The three of them looked over at me. "Chan wanted me to get you guys for dinner. You all better go now, or you won't get any." I tell them. They all ran out the door to the kitchen. I shake my head before thinking about what Y/n said again. Does she know who is writing these notes?

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