23 - End

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The night before graduation

Chan's POV:

I hear a knock on my bedroom door. "Yeah?" I asked. "Can I come in?" I hear my sister ask. "Of course." I say before jumping off my bed and opening the door. I move out of the way so she can walk in. "You excited for tomorrow?" I asked her. "I'm a bit nervous." She asked. "Why? What's wrong?" I asked pulling her over to my bed. "Want to lay your head on my stomach?" I asked. That was her favorite thing to do when she needed comfort. "Yes please." She said. I nodded my head before laying down. Y/n laid down and put her head on my stomach. I started to comb her hair. "What's wrong?" I asked again after a moment. "I have to make my speech for tomorrow." I hear her say. "You still haven't?" I questioned. "Well, I have some of it, but I wanted to ask you something." Y/n said. "What is it?" She looked up at the ceiling and sighed. "You know the song Start Line that you, Hannie and Binnie made?" She asked me. I nodded my head. "Yeah. The one we released recently." I confirmed. "That's the one. There is a part of it that I want to add to the speech, but I wanted to ask you first because it's your song that you worked on." She said. I smiled. "Of course, you can. I would love for you to use part of our song in your graduation speech." I said happily. I felt really happy for Y/n. She has a good group of friends, two great boyfriends and she did amazing in school. The reason that she even had to make a speech was the fact that she got valedictorian. "Are you going to tell me which part of the song you are going to use, or do I have to wait and see?" I asked her. "You'll see." She responded. I watch as her eyes start to flutter a bit. "Y/n, can you go to bed? You have a really big day tomorrow." I say while nudging her. She nodded her head before sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "Remember, tomorrow Innie is picking me up and Seungmin and we are going over Han and Felix's house around 10 in the morning. We are going out to breakfast and then we are going to get ready for the ceremony." She explained while still rubbing her eyes. "Okay. I understand. Now, go to bed, I will see you at the ceremony." I said watching her walk out of my room. As she shuts the door, I sighed. I can't believe that she's graduating high school. She's grown so much.

Graduation day

Y/n's POV:

I hear a knocking on the bathroom door. "Are you almost finished changing?" I hear the voice of Han. "Yes, hold on a second." I looked into the mirror and smiled. I can't believe that graduation day is finally here. I walked out of the bathroom and saw Han standing there. "That's a really cute outfit Y/n!" He told me while smiling.

 "That's a really cute outfit Y/n!" He told me while smiling

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"Thanks babe." I said while smiling. He gives me a kiss on my cheek. "Let's go show the others. We still have about an hour before we need to head to the football field." Han tells me. He puts his hand out for me to grab. Once I put my hand into his, he pulls me to his apartments living room where Felix, Seungmin and I.N were sitting down and waiting for us. "Oh, look who's made it." Seungmin said. Han sits me down next to Felix and he then sits next to me. "Do you have your speech finished?" I.N asked me. I smiled while nodding. I grabbed the paper out of one of my pockets from my skirt and showed it to them. "Any spoilers on what we should expect from your speech?" Felix asked. "Nope, you have to wait until I give my speech for everyone." I said. 30 minutes passed before I.N spoke up. "Let's go out to my car so we can head over to the football field. 

At the ceremony

Y/n's POV:

We all walked into the football stadium in a line together. I looked over and saw Chan sitting in the stands with Changbin, Hyunjin and Lee Know. I smiled up at them. We all sat down at our seats. "Welcome to the Class of 2019 graduation!" We hear the principle say from the microphone. We all cheer. "Before we get started handing out the diplomas, I would like to introduce Bang Y/n to the stage, the Class of 2019's valedictorian." He adds on. I stand up from my seat and walk up to the stage. I hear the students clapping. I head up to the podium and adjust the mic before speaking. "Good evening parents, siblings, friends, family, and fellow Class of 2019 graduates. My name is Bang Y/n, and I am 18 years old. I originally started my senior year of high school in Australia where I was born in raised in Sydney, Australia. I moved here to Seoul, South Korea to live with my brother and get a new start. I started at this school right after spring break. We all worked hard to get to this point. For 13 years, we spent learning everything from our ABCs to now learning chemistry." I keep talking for a few more minutes. "Before I wrap up this speech, I wanted to quote my brother, Bang Chan. He produces and releases songs with his friends under the name of CB97." I hear a few people cheer when they hear is artist name, and when I look over at Han, I see him look shocked but excited. I smiled before speaking. "The song Start Line has meant so much to some people, including myself, so here I go." I take a deep breath before speaking. "Oh man, but sometimes I say to myself, is graduation a finish line or another gunshot? That goes off to mark the start of a new journey. Should I be excited? Cause it sounds a little scary. Another challenge to prove my existence." I finish. I hear cheering from the students. "Thank you to everyone who helped us along the way. Here's to graduation!" I yell before walking off the stage and back to my seat. For the next hour, we are all given our diplomas and stand up. "Congratulations Class of 2019, you have made it." The principle said before we threw our caps up into the air. I walk over to my brother, and he hugged me. "You did it!" He tells me. I smiled. Not even a moment later I feel someone back hug me. When I turned my head, I saw Felix behind me and Han by his side. "We did it." He whispered into my ear. I smiled brightly. "Yeah, we did." I say back. Han grabbed me from Felix and picked me up before spinning me. I laughed at him doing that. Once he puts me down, he kisses my lips. When he pulled back, Felix pulls me into a kiss. "Well, let's go celebrate!"

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