Love Has No Gender (Gay Love Story) Part 2

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I got everything packed and wend down stairs and grabbed a turkey salad before I go. I ate the salad and headed towards the car. It might be a junker but hey it gets me from point A to point B.

Wait Imma need a boat. Hmmm..... Where could i get a boat. I'll rent one thats it. I think I have enough money. I mean like I have a lot.

I started driving to the airport "Wait!!!!! I don't like flying" I said to myself. I will just take the car down to florida and then take a boat to look for an island. I took out my android and set it to the Gps mode of it to take me to florida.


Anthony dropped me off at my house after he told me he was leaving for awhile. I went upstairs to my room. I layed down on my bed and wonder how long he would be till he comes back.

I closed my eyes for a minute and ended up falling asleep.

I wake up by a sudden crack of lightning that shook the whole house. I looked over at the alarm clock it said 2:30am.

"stupid thunder" i said.

I looked over at my fish tank. The light was still on.

"Crap. I forgot to feed you guys."

I jumped out of bed and landed on my rank.

"ouch" I said as it started bleeding.

I fed my fish turned off their lights and proceded back to my bed. I got in under the covers and went back to sleep. But before I did I wondered were Anthony was.

Anthony's POV

"Wow. 2:38 in the morning and I'm still driving. Better yet i am only in North Carolina." I said to myself.

The Gps said only 2 hours to go. So I think I will just keep driving.

Bree's POV

"Yea. Lets party" I said screaming.

I'm ontop of Anthony's car roof. Car Surfing. I'm surprised he hasn't noticed yet. I mean I feel back on the car like twice.

Anthony's POV

It's now like officaly 4:59 in the morning and I am so tired. I pull up to a motel. Did I mention. I arrived in florida. If not I did. I parked the car and got out.

"Hey Anthony" someone said as they jumped on my back.

"Ahhhh!! Take my money. Take it all" I said panicking.

"It's just me Bree" she said as she jumped off my back.

"Bree how did you get down here and why are you following me" I asked her.

"First question. I car surfed down here."



"Second question. Gps tracking device in your phone"


"And I Know you are going away for awhile. So I thought I would take your car back home for you"

"Fine don't crash it though"

"I won't"

"Well bye then. I'm going to go rent a room and get some sleep before I head off."

"OK. Bye."

She jumped in my car and drove off. She almose hit an old man in the street. I have a feeling I'm not having that car back.

I walked up to the manager of the motel.

"Room for 1"

"Yes sir. Your room is right over there and it will cost you. Wait what is your name."

"Anthony _ _ _ _ "

"oh your room is already paid for."

"What how"

"By a Zack _ _ _ _. He called in about it and gave me his credit car."

"Oh well. Thats Fine then".

I walked to my room. It was like next to the front door so it wasn't that far away. I slid the key into the door and turned the door knob. I opened the door. I walked over to the bed and layed down in it. I close my eyes and went right to sleep.

Buzz.... Buzz.... Buzz....

"Ugh" I said as i grabbed my phone.

I look at it. It said missed call from Bree.

I looked at the time 6:00 pm. On monday March 4 2011. Then I looked at my messages a total of ten and all from Zack. I proceded to call Bree back first. Just in case something happened to my Junker Jeep.

"Hello" she said.

"What did you want"

"oh. I was just calling to say that I am in Airzona right now."


"Don't worry I will pay for the gas."

"Don't ruin my JJ"

"I'm making it better"



Oh she better not do anything.

After a couple minutes of me flipping out I texted Zack back.

' I'm fine' I sent. ' won't have service for awhile either '

' ok. be safe ' he sent back to me.

I got up and walked over to the motel desk.

"Heres the Keys"

"Thank you"

"Do you know where i could get a boat for cheap"

"Yeah my bro just around the corner sells boats. Cheapest one $200 and it's honestly the best one."


I waved bye and walked around the corner to the Bros. Boat Shop. Bought the boat then he drove it down to the peir for me. He showed me the controls then he left.

I got into the boat started it and drove off. I was going to find an Island that will be mine. And stay there for awhile.

I drove for awhile till I saw an Island. I past a couple but there were already people on it. So i kept going.

I pulled up to the Island as close as possible.

"Hello" I scream.

Nobody answered.

"Perfect" I say. " Nice big Island all by Myself"

I got out of the boat and onto shore. As i did a big tidle wave came crashing in and swept the boat into me.

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