Chapter 10 - A Moonlit Swim

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Tessa's POV:

It was now officially night time and we were floating down the river on the raft that Hickory made. "It's a nice night tonight, isn't it? Mr. Dinkles loves the full moon.", Biggie says, holding his pet worm in his arms. "Yeah. We don't usually get nights like this back in Musicville. It feels nice to just sit back and relax.", Lucky stated. That's usually true. Most of the time, the nights would end with a party or with fireworks lighting up the sky so it did feel nice to just have some peace and quiet. I then looked over and saw Trollex sitting by the water, looking down with a sad expression on his face. I went over to him and sat down next to him. "Hey Trollex. You doing ok?" He looked up at me as he was caught out of his daze. "Oh, Tess. I didn't see you there." "I've noticed. You wanna talk about it?" Trollex looked down and sighed. "I'm still thinking about my kingdom. And about BDB. I just wish he were here by my side right now." I smiled sadly at Trollex before I thought of an idea. "Well, it's a beautiful full moon and I still wanna know more about this place. Maybe we could go for a moonlit swim? Just the two of us? It could take your mind off of your troubles.", I suggested. Trollex looked at me with a smile. "I'd love that. Follow me." He jumped into the water with me following after in my techno form. We swam until we reached a small hidden cove. "So tell me about yourself. What was life like back where you live?", Trollex asked me. "Oh, it's amazing. You would love it in Musicville. The different celebrations, the mixes of different genres of music, it's like having a diverse party everyday. And to be honest, diversity is one of the things we're proud of most in Musicville." "Even though it's possible that some trolls don't agree with another troll's preference of music?" "Sure. I mean, just because you don't agree with one troll's music choice doesn't make it a bad one. And of course there's obviously going to be arguments and disagreements about different music genres, but that just shows you how passionate everyone is about music and expressing themselves." "Even if you disagree so much that you think it's better for trolls to live apart with the music that they like?", Trollex raised an eyebrow. "Well yeah. But if anything, I think the best way for us to celebrate music, no matter what genre, is if we give it a try and listen. Otherwise, what's the point of making it if you can't share it with others?" Trollex looked down in thought. "I never thought of it like that. I'm pretty sure you know this but when the tribes split up with their strings, everyone was so stubborn about saying that their music genre was the best, when really they haven't even thought to give the other genres a chance. But not you guys." I smiled at him. "Well, it's like my dad would always say, 'Music should unite us and teach us to listen to each other. Otherwise, what's the point of even giving a beat.' This is something that the Mixed Genre Trolls are always proud of." "Wow. Your dad seems like a pretty wise troll. And like a fun one as well." I chuckled a bit at his statement. "You're not wrong. My dad always loved to party to help keep the spirits of the trolls in my tribe up. It was one his best qualities about him being king. Even if he's retired." "And what about your mom?" My smile dipped a bit at the mention of my mother, considering I don't usually talk about her much since she passed. Trollex realized my demeanor and got concerned. "Tess? Are you alright? Was it something I said?", he asked, the last part worried. "No, no, no, it wasn't you. It's just that...the topic of my mom isn't something that I usually talk about. I lost her before I became queen because she had an illness where her music was fading. And if a Mixed Genre Troll loses their music, they turn gray and they pass away." "I'm so sorry Tess. If anything, I bet she was a really great queen.", Trollex put a hand on my shoulder, which I then took in mine. "The best.", I whispered before facing him. I soon looked down with uncertainty. "What if I can't be as good of a queen as her? What if I just let everyone down?", I asked. "Hey. You know something? I honestly used to think the same thing when I first became king of the Techno Trolls. I was so insecure about how I would help and rule over my people that I would always second guess my decisions. Which led to a lot of stuff that I'm still embarrassed about to this day. Don't ask.", Trollex stated, making me giggle a bit. "But even though I was feeling that way, my mother used to always say to me that if you keep trying to find hope in a situation where you don't know what to do, you'll always find the solution. So even when you think you've failed, you'll never know as long as you have hope." "You think so?" "I know so.", he said to me with a comforting smile. Soon, I found myself staring into his vibrant pale green eyes. I felt my heart beating faster as we seemed to lean in closer to each other. Unfortunately, our moment was cut short after we heard something zoom by, leaving behind air bubbles. "What was that?" "I don't know. Oh, uh, this is for you.", Trollex said before putting a beautiful blue glow in the dark flower in my hair, making me blush. "Oh, uh, thanks. C'mon, we better get back to the others." Soon enough, we swam back to the others and I returned to my original form. "Well, there you two are. We were just wondering about you two.", Wage commented. We both looked around and saw that we had someone missing. "Hey, where's Biggie?", Trollex asked. "Biggie decided to go home. He was pretty upset with me because he thought I broke my pinkie promise to him.", Poppy said sadly. "I'm sorry Poppy. But maybe he might change his mind later.", I try to cheer her up. "Ok. Thank you, Tessa.", she said to me with a small smile. I just hope I'm right about that.

3rd Person POV:

Meanwhile, back in Musicville, King Record had been looking around for his daughter and her friends since he hadn't heard or seen them since yesterday. "Tessa! Are you in there?! Hello?", he called knocking on her door to no response. He arched his eyebrow as he looked up and saw Pump-Up flying over head. "Hey, Pump-Up? Have you seen Tessa recently?" "Not since yesterday. I saw her and her friends going over to the outskirts of town.", he replied before flying away. This made Record curious. 'The outskirts of the town? But why would they be over in that area? Unless they...' His thought process was cut short as he ran over to where a certain fake bush was at. He noticed the cover was slightly crinkled before he lifted it, finding faint footprints along the bottom of the pipe. 'Oh man. They found their way over to the other world where Gembeat used to live. I better head over to make sure that they're safe. Oh, please be ok Tessa.', he thought before she started to make his way through the pipe.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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