Chapter 4 - Getting to know you

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King Trollex:
"Ok, ok. Enough! Stop! Your harshing the vibe we worked very hard to build to.", I pleaded to Barb. I can't believe this is happening. It just started with all of us having a good time, and then this happened. "Oh, but by the end of my world tour, we're all going to have the same vibe. We're all going to one nation of trolls. Under rock!", Barb said to me, before unleashing a huge power chord. Just when I thought that I was going to be hit, I felt something on my hand and pulled it pulled me down, just in time. "Woah!", I said in surprise. I looked around to see what pulled me down until I saw a girl techno troll. "C'mon! We gotta get out of here!", she said to me, while swimming away. I followed her, swimming fast. "Get them!", I heard Barb command as the rock trolls began to chase us. Then soon, I saw other techno trolls come out as we made our escape. Even though they were techno trolls, I couldn't recognize them. And that's saying a lot. I'm normally familiar with all of my subjects' heartbeats, but their heartbeats were different. "Who are you guys?", I asked them. "We'll explain later. But right now, we need to find a place where we can lose the rock trolls.", said the girl that saved me from earlier. "You got an idea where?", I asked her. She looked around, until something caught her attention. "Yeah. Follow me.", she said, having an idea. I then saw that we were heading for a cave, where we could hide. That was some really smart thinking on her part. I respect that. We all went inside and hid long enough for the rock trolls to pass us. Once they did, we all took a sigh of relief. I then looked at the techno trolls. Three of them were boys. One red, one green, and one yellow. And then there was another girl who was an orange techno troll. And then I looked at the one who saved me. She was an icy blue techno troll with platinum blonde hair with neon electric blue highlights. If I had to be honest, she looked kind of pretty. "Hey, thanks for the save back there.", I said to her, with gratitude in my voice. "Oh, your welcome.", she responded back. "Speaking of which, what were you thinking going out there?! Were you trying to get yourself hurt?", the orange one said to her. "Well if I hadn't reacted quick enough, then he would've been. Besides, I just wanted to help. Is there anything wrong with that?", she asked back. Dang, she is a smart girl. "Once again, good pitch.", the orange one said. She then turned to me and said, "I'm so sorry about your home." "It's all good. Maybe after this predicament is over, we'll be able to rebuild it.", I say to her in reassurance. We both then started at each other's eyes for a bit. My pale green into her teal. Then, I heard our hearts beating in sync. I then remembered that while I was DJing , I heard a heartbeat that wasn't like the rest that was close to the DJ booth. Was that heartbeat her? We both then heard a fake cough from behind us. We both then turned and saw the others who were smiling at us. We both then realized and looked away, blushing lightly. "So, what are your names?", I ask them. "I think I'll start us off. My names Lucky Beat. Nice to meet you.", the red one said. "I'm Babo.", the yellow said. "Name's Wage.", the orange one said. "Folks call me Slick Dogg.", the green one said. "Because that's his name.", Wage said. "But those close to me call me Cool Dogg.", he then finished. "Which is not his name.", Wage said, rolling her eyes. I chuckled a little bit. This sure seems like a fun group. "And who are you?", I asked the girl who helped me from earlier. "Oh, right. I'm Tessa.", she said, introducing herself. Tessa. That's a beautiful name for her. "Well, it's nice to meet you all. I'm Trollex. King of the Techno Trolls.", I say to them. "Well would you look at that. A king who is also part DJ. I gotta tell you man, that party was lit with you at the booth. Uh, no pun intended.", Slick Dogg said to me, while also hinting at the fact that we're glowing. "Thanks man. So, you guys from around here? You don't seem familiar.", I ask them. "Not exactly. We just found this place today. And it's the first place that we found out here.", Babo said. First place they found? What does he mean? "You see, we're not really from here. The way we got here was from a metal pipe that Tessa found.", Lucky Beat told me. Metal pipe? Ok, now I'm twice as confused. "And the way we found you and the techno trolls was that we tapped into our techno side and heard your heartbeats from underwater.", Babo finished. Ok. Make that three times as confused. Techno side? Were they originally from land? "Look, we're known where we live as mixed genre trolls. We transformed ourselves into techno trolls because we have a bit of techno music in us.", Tessa finally said, trying to clear things up. Mixed genre? They were more than one music type? "So, you guys aren't originally techno trolls, but you can transform into one?", I asked. They all nodded their heads. Ok. That's pretty cool. "Not to mention that Tessa here is our queen.", Slick Dogg added. This shocked me a bit. Tessa was their queen? Tessa looked at me as she said, blushing a bit, "Oh, it's not that big a deal." "Are you kidding? That's so cool! And, it's nice to meet another ruler from another troll tribe. Or at least, one that isn't trying to threaten my home and music.", I pointed out. She and I both chuckled a bit. "Why don't we start swimming up to the surface? I'll explain everything on the way.", she offered. "Sounds like a plan to me. Let's go.", I say, agreeing to the idea.

This is a time skip for when they are approaching the surface. Sorry for the inconvenience.

As we were swimming up to the surface, Tessa was telling me everything. From her town's lifestyle and how they lived, to how she never stopped believing about the fact that our world, which everyone from their town calls the 'Big World', was real. It all seemed really cool. But, there was something bugging me about it. If the mixed genre trolls were also out there, just like the original genre trolls, why weren't they on the map? "So, you're saying that you guys came here so that you guys could try to see if there were other trolls around?", I asked her. "That's right. Now don't get me wrong, I love living in Musicville, but most of the time while I was there, I've always wanted to explore what was outside of it. I just wanted to try something new, instead of living out the same old thing. So when I realized that I had to come here myself instead of waiting to be chosen to come here, I took action. And that's how I found that pipe that led us here.", she explained to me. "Wow. That's pretty cool once you think about it. You trolls are pretty cool people.", I say to her. She blushed lightly as she said back, "Thanks. That's very kind of you to say. And I think you do an amazing job of being king of the techno trolls." We both stop swimming for a moment and looked at each other. "You really think so?", I ask her, blushing a bit. "I do. I really do.", she said back. "Thanks. For saying that.", I said to her. We both then started to stare at each other again. I start to feel a little funny in my stomach. What is happening to me? Then, out of nowhere, Slick Dogg came up to us and said, "What are you two talking about?" We both jumped a bit in surprise. He looked at us, smirking a bit. We both then looked at each other, then looked away, blushing a bit more. "Oh, look. We're almost there.", Tessa pointed out, as she then started to swim a little faster to the surface. "I think I know what's going on between the two of you.", Slick Dogg said to me, smirking even more. "What do you mean?", I ask him, blushing even more. "Don't think I don't see that electricity between the two of you.", he said, still smirking. I just looked at him like he was crazy. I couldn't have fallen for her already, right? "Look, watch this.", he said to me, pointing at Tessa. "She's gonna turn around.... she's gonna turn around.", he said. But she kept swimming forward. "And she's doing the whole 'don't turn around' move.", he concluded. Again, I was confused. "Well, all I know is that she doesn't need glasses in order to see through you.", Wage said to him. I chuckled lightly at the burn as I started to follow Tessa. "Hey!", he then said to Wage, sounding offended. I roll my eyes playfully as I keep swimming. Well, all I know for sure is that this is going to be interesting.

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