Chapter 6 - Getting to know Poppy

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Tessa's POV:

After explaining everything to Poppy, from all the different troll tribes to their strings, she wanted to go out there and help the other trolls. Branch, Biggie (on accident), Trollex, myself, and the others went along with her. While on the ride, I've got to know everyone bit by bit. I've learned that Biggie is basically a big ball of kindness in a troll's body. He is so thoughtful and caring and I think he and Mr. Dinkles were made for each other. Branch is a bit on the sensible side. He knows when to use common sense when it's needed. He also tends to be pretty protective, which I understand. He also told me about what happened to his grandmother, which I thought was pretty sad, 'cause I knew what it was like to go through that. I was looking out the balloon, taking in the view. Then I saw Poppy coming over to me. "Are you doing ok?", she asked me. "Yeah. Just taking in the view. I wish my dad were here to see this. I've heard that your world was something else, It's just beautiful.", I told her. "Thanks. I bet your home is just as pretty with plenty of places to explore." "Kinda the opposite. I mean, it is pretty don't get me wrong, but not a lot of places to explore." "I was meaning to ask you this before, but how did you get here?" "Basically what happened is that we kinda went to the outskirts of town, where I found , for some reason unknown, a fake bush that was covering a metal pipe. We went inside to maybe see if it could lead us to your world, and it did. And that's kinda how we met Trollex. But really, long story short, there was a really fun sliding part to it.", I told her. We both giggled from the fact. "And you were the only one in your home to still believe that this place was real?" "That's right. Everyone else back home kept thinking it was just a legend." "So, what is your home like?" "Well, it's certainly festive, you gotta give it that. My home is called Musicville. And really it's like a little place where we all celebrate our differences through different genres. My dad, King Record, has lived there longer than anyone. He always thought that your world was just a story. But, now with this....this changes everything.", I told her. "Wow. That's pretty cool. You wanna know something funny? Even though I'm just starting to get to know you, I feel like I've known you my whole life. Like, we're family or something.", she said to me. "I know. I've felt that way ever since I first saw you. Like, we had some sort of connection. I can't quite place it, though.", I said, agreeing with her. "Me neither. But I know that we'll figure out why in time." "You are pretty optimistic, Poppy. I feel like the Pop Trolls really got themselves a good queen." "Aw, thanks. Do you have any advice for me going forward on how to be a good queen?" "Just two things. One, you have to be willing to listen to others and their opinions. Otherwise, it'll make others as well as yourself, be in bad situations. And two, be your own queen. The best way to rule, is to be yourself.", I say to her. She smiles at me as she says to me, "I'll be sure to keep them both in mind." And then I felt the same feeling as when I first met her. I felt more connected to her. And it was weird. But, weird in a good way. She almost felt like a sister to me, and I just met her. As she went over to talk to Branch I then saw Trollex sitting down, looking a little sad. I felt bad for him, so I went over to him and sat down next to him. "Hey, you doing ok?", I ask him. "Yeah, it's just....I hope that my people are doing alright. I don't want them to worry about me being missing. Not to mention I miss my bud, BDB.", he said to me. Poor Trollex. No wonder he's feeling down. "Listen, I think you're people would understand why you're gone. But the best thing to do right now, whether you're a king or not, is to be strong for your people. 'Cause in a way, they're like your family.", I told him. Trollex looked at me and smiled. "Thanks, Tess. I really appreciate that.", he said to me. "What are friends for.", I told him. "Uh, you may want to take a look at this.", Biggie said to all of us. We looked over and what I saw was the most horrible sight that I never wanted to see.

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