Chapter 7 - Symphonyville

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Tessa's POV:

We were looking at an entire little city up here in the clouds....completely destroyed. Who could have done this? "This is gonna take a lot of hugs.", Branch said to himself. When we got out of the balloon, we saw a lot more of the damage. I looked down on the floor to see some classical music sheets. This was where the Classical Trolls lived. Did Barb already get here? "Woah, something gnarly happened here.", Branch remarked. "I'll say. This place looks beat up.", Slick Dogg said, agreeing with him. "You know, there are a lot of things that I can never unsee, but this....this is horrible.", I say with a broken heart. Poppy puts a hand on my shoulder as she also looks at the damage with sorry eyes. "Hello?", a voice said out of nowhere. "Who said that? Identify yourself!", Branch said out to the voice. "Are you nice or are you mean?", the voice asked again. "We're nice. We're really nice.", Poppy reassured the voice. "But not too nice, so don't even try it!", Branch said. Lucky just looked at him with a 'really' look. Poppy and I looked over and saw that it was a little flute-like whistle. "Ok.", she said before rolling over to Poppy's feet. Poppy gently picked up the little whistle. "What is this place?", she asked the instrument. "It used to be called Symphonyville where the Classical Music Trolls lived. but that was in the before.", she replied. "What happened here?", I asked her. "Well, it was the most wonderful place that you've ever did see. It was a place where all the Classical Music Trolls could live in perfect harmony. Wherever the conductor led, we followed. But then, Queen Barb showed up. She took our  string, our music, she took everyone. We lost everything.", she said to us, the last part sadly. This is horrible. It's just as horrible as the time I lost my mom. Poppy and I looked at each other with shocked and horrified expressions. "Barb doesn't want to unite us, she wants to destroy us.", she said as she put down the little whistle. "We need to make sure our own string is safe.", Branch says to Poppy. "Our string is safe.", Poppy said as she pulled the Pop string out of her hair. What?! Why did she bring it?! "What?! Poppy, are you crazy?!", Branch asked  her, almost practically reading my mind. "I thought it was a good idea at the time. I can't believe another queen would use her power for evil." "Ok. Change of plans. We need to get home as fast as we can  and get everyone in the bunker." "Uh, no. Change of plans. We have to stop Barb from destroying all music. If we don't stop her, who will?", Poppy asked. "Poppy, you said this could be handled with hugs. How are we gonna hug our  way out of this one?", Biggie asked, freaking out about  the situation. "It's ok, Biggie.", I say to him, trying to calm him down. "Really? It's ok to be terrified. When am I gonna learn to stay away from the cotton candy?!", he asked, more scared. "Hey man, welcome to my world.", Babo said to him as he put a hand on his shoulder. "Biggie, listen. It is ok to be scared, but we also need to be brave enough to take a chance.", I say to him. "And we'll have your back no matter what.", Trollex said to him as he went beside me. "They're right, Biggie. And also, as your queen, I promise that I will protect you no matter what. I...pinkie promise.", Poppy said to him. Biggie gasped dramatically as he faced toward his best friend and queen. "Poppy, you know you can't go back on a pinkie promise.", Biggie said to her. "Never did, never will.", she said back to him. "Are these types of situations always done with this much dramatic flair?", Wage asked Branch. "You'll get used to it after a while.", he replied back. After they were done with their pinkie promise, which involved the two of them floating in the air and a large outburst of pink glitter which also blew away our ride, Poppy opened up the map of the all of the Troll Kingdoms. "We have to get to the Country Music Trolls in Lonesome Flats before Barb does.", Poppy says to us. She then turns to the little whistle and asks, "Will you come with us?" "Oh no. Someone has to rebuild. And Pennywhistle is that woodwind for the job.", the little whistle, who we now know as Pennywhistle, said as she picked up a couple of pebbles and stacked them on top of each other. Well, at least it's a bit of progress. Poppy then put a little construction helmet on the little instrument and said, "Good luck, little Pennywhistle." "Goodbye, Poppy.", she said back as we started to make our way to Lonesome Flats.

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