Chapter 2 - Leaving Musicville

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Tessa's POV:
I headed over to Lucky's place after I ate breakfast. He said that he wanted to talk to me about something. I knocked on his door, and he opened up. "Tessa! Thank you for accepting my random invitation to come over. Come in. I made tea.", he said to me. As I went in and sat down, he poured a cup of tea as he asked me, "So, how are things?" "Well, everyday I think that today's the day. And then it isn't. Which is completely fine. It is. But look, I've always believed that the Big World is real. And I know that I'll find the right one for me to be my mate. But lately, I've been starting to think, since there's no evidence or proof, that it maybe isn't real. What do you think?", I ask him after explaining my dilemma. He thought about it for a bit before pulling out a fortune cookie, cracking it open, and reading the fortune. "Find your own truth.", he read. Find my own truth? That's actually some pretty good advice. "Woah. That's some good advice. You see, this is why you're the wisest one here. You're so bright. I just need to believe in myself. But, how do I do that specifically?", I ask him. "Well, a wiser troll than me would say you should stop listening to what others tell you. But all I have to offer you now is some satisfaction guarantee.", he said to me while pulling out a tea leaf sieve. "Oh. You want to read my tea leaves.", I say, starting to realize what he's trying to get at. As I drink my tea, he says to me, "Uh, reading tea leaves isn't really something that I do. It's not really my thing. But I can tell you that your hair looks nice and shiny today. And that's good luck. So maybe you should take that good luck, and enjoy it from the safety of your own home." But, nonetheless, I do give him my cup for him to read. "So, what do you see?", I ask him. "Uh, you?", he says to me with uncertainty. "You? Oh, you mean me. It's not what you see, but what I see.", I concluded. Lucky still looked confused. I took the cup and looked inside it. "I see leaves. But that's all that I see.", I say confused. Then, an idea popped into my head. "Leaves! I need to leave! All this time I've been waiting for my mate to find me, but I should find my mate!", I said with excitement. It all makes sense now! Why didn't I do this sooner? "Wait, what?! That's not what I was saying at all!", Lucky cried. "Thank you so much Lucky! You are so wise! So wise!", I say to him, thanking him for the idea. "C'mon!", I then say, before grabbing his arm and running outside. "Tessa, I think you misinterpreted the meaning of what I was trying to a say to you.", Lucky said to me. But I wasn't paying attention. I then saw Slick Dogg and called him over. "Slick Dogg, lets go!", I say to him. "Yow! I know that look. Wait up!", he said. "Yes, let's wait up!", Lucky cried out as I continued to drag him around. I looked around and then I spotted Babo. "Babo! Lucky Beat has a great new idea! We're gonna make our dreams come true!", I say with joy. "Oh, I'm always geared up for dreams.", he said as he put his stuff away. "Or nightmares!", Lucky said. I then went over to Wage's place and called her over. "Wage! Today's the day!" "But Tessa!", she tried saying to me, and once again, I did not listen. "C'mon!", I say to them as I continued to run. "Here we go again.", I heard Wage grumble under her breath. I kept on running until I reached Dad. "Ah, hello Tessa! You sure seem happy!", he said, pointing out my behavior. "Yep! Super! Lucky Beat made everything crystal clear!", I say, while I continue running. I kept running until I reached the outskirts of town. "C'mon you guys! Catch up!", I shout to them. All of a sudden, while I was running, I got my head on something. "Ow!", I said. Now, call me crazy, but it almost felt like.... metal? "Tess, are you alright?", Slick Dogg asked me . "Yeah. But that was weird.", I said. "What was?", Babo asked me. "Well, while I was running, by the time I reached this bush, I hit my head. And what's weird is that I felt like I got hit by metal.", I explained. I looked around the bush until I saw a corner of fabric. The bush wasn't even a real bush! It was a fake! I lifted the corner, which lifted the tapestry that was supposed to mask the bush and what was on the other side shocked all of us. It was a metal pipe! "Oh good. A terrifying void. That's always a good sign.", Wage said sarcastically. "This is what the inside of a bush looks like?", Slick Dogg asked. "Yeah. Dark and creepy. Alright. That's it. Let's go.", Wage said, already turning back. But something about me didn't want to go back. So instead, I took a step forward. "Tessa.", Wage said sternly to me. I looked back to them, excited. "Let's just call it a day, huh?", Babo suggested. Are they serious right now? We could be in at one of the best discoveries right now, and they want to go back? "Guys, this pipe goes somewhere.", I say, trying to intrigue them. "What is this is the way to the Big World?" "But your dad says that there is no Big World.", Babo said. "But he doesn't know about this. But we do. So there's still a possibility. This pipe is real, and it at has to at least lead somewhere. And it may be the Big World. And if anybody can figure this mystery out, it's us. Lucky, what could make you more wiser that solving the ultimate unsolved mystery in our history. Well, now can be a perfect opportunity. And Slick Dogg, you're my best friend.", I say to the others. "Well that's just hurtful.", Wage remarked. Sorry about that. "Are you really going to let me go in alone?", I ask him. "You ain't going alone.", Slick Dogg said, coming over to my side. "Classic guilt trip.", Wage muttered. "And when someone needs help, who are you gonna call? Babo! That's who."  I say, motioning towards him. "I gotta say, she gets me.", Babo says, while also moving toward my side with Lucky in pursuit. "I guess a little adventure wouldn't hurt.", Lucky says, while coming over. We all then look at Wage. "This is ridiculous. Going into a pipe that spells 'certain doom'. Uh, I don't think so. No thank you.", Wage said in denial. "Wage?",  I ask her, hoping that she will join us. Well, she'll probably have to when I give her my next pitch. "Go ahead. Give me your big sell Tessa. Something like 'I have to go. It's my duty as a troll to be a friend. And that deep down I want to know what's over there too.' C'mon, give me the pitch.", she said, preparing herself. "If you don't come, you're have to find your way back to town, all by yourself.", I finally say, smugly. "Good pitch.", Wage said after thinking about it. Knew it. "But let's just let the record show that I am against this.", she also said. We all cheered, right before Babo started to push us all in the direction to where the pipe leads. "Slow down Blobby.", Wage said to him. "It's Babo.", Babo corrected her. "I know your name.", Wage told him. Yes! Adventure, Big World, and other trolls, here I come!

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