Chapter 2

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Pushing Memories

"Watch out!"

Was all he heard as he turned his head towards the voice. He saw a light up ahead, he walked towards it hoping to find answers, memories that could connect to his past self but once he approached the light, all he saw was a blazing fire and destruction. Buildings eviscerated, fire spreading like wildfire. Chaos erupts from every corner of the ruined city. Izuku widened his eyes in horror as he took a step back as he tripped over something.

He fell and landed on his bottom, he looked at what he tripped over as he saw a body, burnt to a crisp. Unrecognizable to even know who it was.


Izuku jumped away as he stepped on something else, he heard a grueling crack as he turned to see a mountain of burning corpses behind him. Izuku could only stare at it in horror as he felt a presence behind him. He swiftly turned around only to see a woman floating above him. Her long white hair flowing through the air as she hovered above him. Dressed in a white battle dress that had black feathers attached to it. Her shoulders were exposed as she also had Black feathers wrapped around her neck.

Izuku's emerald eyes stared deep inside those cold orange hues that stared down at him. His head then started to sting in pain as voices started to drown his head. He looked at her as he saw a girl that had long bright purple hair but was wearing a completely different outfit than the first. Her outfit was very complex as she had an evil grin etched across her face.

All he heard from her was...

"Die, human-"

Izuku abruptly lifted himself upright as he breathed heavily in a panic, he held his chest as he tried to calm himself down. He rubbed his head as he looked at the time, it was 6:30 in the morning as he stared at the clock, he sighed as he got up from his bed.

"Again with these nightmares,"

Izuku looked out the window as he saw the sun barely visible through the clouds as he then yawned. He got out of bed as he looked at what date it was. April 16th, Tuesday, XXXX

Izuku couldn't believe that it had been four months since he moved here. Faith got him accustomed to the place as she registered him for school and also got him a job at a nearby Cafe by his apartment complex.

Izuku sighed as he then heard his phone ring. He looked at it as he saw who called him. He answered, "Dan? Why are you calling me so early,"

"Isn't it obvious, gotta show you around the school before class starts, you're new here so gotta get you accustomed to everything,"

Dan is his coworker that he met during his first day. Dan was a mystery to Izuku, because he would flirt with every girl he deems attractive but would get straight up rejected. He didn't know why Dan would keep going but he didn't question it.

"So come on! Get your butt here, hurry!"

"Doesn't class start at 8:15?"

He didn't get an answer as Dan hung up, Izuku just rubbed his nose as he grabbed his brand new uniform and pants along with a tie.

Izuku went to the bathroom to brush his teeth and change.

Today was his first day of school at Hashbul Private High School. The reason he was at a Private High School was that Faith and Henry agreed to put him in school because he was of age and now both the Forthbrights are paying for it.

Hence why Izuku got a job, to repay them once he gets out. Izuku didn't want them to pay for him but they were stubborn.

Izuku walked out of his bathroom as he was now in his uniform. He fixed his tie up a bit as he then headed towards his small kitchen. He opened the fridge to see that he was running out of food.

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