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"Hey baby" the same guy from five days back said to Annika who looked like a fish, with her mouth agape.

Before she could reply or question he signaled her to stay quite. That was the moment she realised he's acting. Either to save himself or to save her. She didn't knew yet exactly.

"Hi." She replied with an awkward smile. To which he responded with a sweet, warm smile.

So fine and hot! Her mind screamed. Then she realised and felt embarrassed, her neck and cheeks turned red, so she looked away from him. She was fine until she heard him chuckle.

Shit! Does he know? She thought and mentally cursed herself for her obvious visuals. But she really can't help it. Whatever is in her mind comes on her face automatically unlike the human sitting in front of her, all blank and void of emotions.

She starred at him every now and then, stealing glances until that one time their gaze met. He was looking at her too! So she quickly shoved her head in the book in her hand and mentally cursed herself.

Focus on study, not on beauty Anni. You freaking idiot. After that, she studied forgetting about her surroundings and the beauty, as she said earlier, sitting opposite to her.

She didn't even realised what time had it been until she felt a tug at her hand. She looked up from the book to see the same handsome guy from earlier looking at her. His gaze so intense, that she felt she might melt.

"Can we talk outside?" He asked her gently and she didn't knew how to respond. So she simply nodded and followed his lead.

After a while they were inside the football court.


"Don't tell me you want a football match? I mean, I don't play football please." Annika said with a look of horror in her eyes. She was talented and all but she wasn't sporty. And she knew it.

"Neither do I. And no, we aren't here for a match. Just wanted to talk and found this ground empty so...." She understood what he meant and nodded her head in understanding.

"Wait, you don't play football? So how come you are sooo tall?" She asked expanding her 'so'. She had always been a sunshine extrovert person without even realising it.

The guy smiled at her and replied after a few moments.

"I play Basketball." He replied and her eyes widened.

That's even hot! She thought and shook her head to clear it from such thoughts.

"Oh okay." She replied after realising she hadn't replied for long.  She was sure that he must be looking at her as if she's a madwoman. Her eyes were on ground all the time.

But then when she looked to from ground to him, his eyes on her, spoke volumes. Beautiful volumes which ended up giving her butterflies in stomach instead.

"Myself Madhyam Sahay, nice to meet you." He said while forwarding his hand further for her to accept. She accepted it gladly with a smile since she didn't get any bad feelings from him.

She just knew in her guts that he's a good man.

"I'm Annika. Annika Kumar. Nice to meet you too." She replied and she swore that she heard him say something like 'I know'. But since he act like he didn't say, she didn't press that further.

"So why did you "baby" me in the library?" She asked while double coloning the word baby with her fingers.

Now Madhyam's ears turned red and he looked away for a second from her. She found it extremely adorable and then he looked back at her.

"There was an old man constantly staring at you. It genuinely felt so creepy. So..." He didn't complete the sentence but she knew what it means. And she felt her insides warming up to this.

"You know...that's very kind of you." She didn't knew what else to say at the moment but she tried. And he smiled at her.

"I shall go now. Have classes. Talk to you later?" She said awkwardly, and he nodded with the same smile on his face.

Bidding a goodbye, she made her way inside the class hall building all while feeling this guddu feeling on her insides.

Madhyam Sahay. Damn you and these emotions!

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