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He took her hands and guided them up the stairs. She didn't knew where he was taking her but she knew it's probably something very urgent, judging from the way he was taking her with him.

After a few minutes, they ended up on the terrace of their college building. The view was surprisingly pretty from up there.

Annika had never came here before so it was very new to her. However, she decided she liked the view.

"Oh my my, I never knew our college had such a nice view to look upto from the terrace."she said while leaning against the railing to look down. Their campus was no doubt gorgeous. After all, it was one of the best Universities of the country they were studying in.

"I know right. Even I didn't knew until few days back." He said and leaned against the railing besides her. The difference was, she was looking down while he was looking at her.

"You know you are extremely gorgeous." He said out of nowhere making Annika's eyes snap at him in an instant.

Her heartbeat quicken and his calm expressions didn't help either.

"Thank you." She said as she felt heat creeping up her face. He had so much effect on her that it was overwhelming.

"And you are very kind too." He said and took one step ahead, towards Annika. While she stood stucked on her place.

"You don't  know, but I first saw you three years back. You were feeding a dog while humming at ten in night. It was an adorable sight to be honest." He said and sighed with a smile on his face.

After a moment, he was standing directly in front of her.

Both of them glazing each other's eyes, one with so much love and othet with confussion.

"I don't know what you consider me Annika. Neither am I forcing you for something. I just want to tell you about my true feelings. The ones I had for you since three years and they only kept growing more and more with time." He said and carefully took ahold of her hands.

When she didn't resist, he further continued.

"You are the first and only girl who ever captured my interest. I sure had many female friends and colleagues but that was it. No feelings attached.

That night three years ago, I was really irritated by how my mom has to control my life. She had forced me to join chess classes cause apparently my father and his second wife's daughter got selected in some championship or something.

I didn't even like the game nor am I that intelligent to play it being honest. Not that she cared tho.

So I was wandering running randomly that night when I stopped hearing a melodious voice. It was genuinely so soothing. I stopped by and heard whichever song it was. I think it was created by you only?" He asked and she nodded.

It wasn't hard for her to remember that day since it was only once she fed a dog and roamed around at so late at night.

"So I heard it and something stir in my heart. At first I thought it was the kindness in you, as you fed the small creature. But then I realised it was your voice. Just hearing your voice sooths my insides.

And it all cleared more when you hugged me in mom's cabin two weeks back. You fragrance, voice and arms around me calmed me down in a way no one could ever.

You are really, really special for me Annika. In ways I can't even describe. And as weird it may sound to you, I am in love with you.

And I'm not saying this out of delusion. I felt it, genuinely did. You are like that sunshine of my day which gives me positive energy. And I love every bit of it, every bit of you. Really." He said with smile and tears in his eyes.

All his life he had kept his emotions in check, but unfolding them in front of Annika felt so natural, and overwhelming.

On the other hand, Annika was crying. She had never heard something so gorgeous before, and definitely not a better confession. She wasn't sure what she felt for him yet but she wanted to give it a try.

"You don't have to answer or say it back. I know you don't feel the same for me and it's okay. I just wanted to tell you what you mean to me, so that in future if you ever doubt yourself, which I highly doubt you ever will, you'll remember that there's someone who's so deeply, ravishing, madly in love with you." He cupped her face and her cries grew.

How could someone ever say no to such man?

"I might not be in love with you yet, but I know I will eventually." She said after a few minutes of close intimacy with him.

"You don't have to Ann-

"But I want to Madhyam. For us. I really want to. Let's give it a try, shall we?" She asked with hope lurking in her eyes. And she swear she saw the most broadest smile making a way on his face.

"Did I seriously got this lucky?" He asked and hugged her, tight and warm.

"I'm the lucky one here." She replied while wrapping her arms around him.

"I love you." He whispered with tears still in his eyes.

"I will soon too." She replied with a smile.

~The End~

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