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Madhyam was shocked at first. He panicked at the sudden contact but then, when he realised who it was, he visibly calmed in his place. He remembered her scent so well that he could never be wrong at identifying it.

Her close embrace spread a warm feeling up his heart and soul. He felt a bit alive again, after all the drama with his mother. He felt the warmth her body had to share against his.

His tears blew more and it didn't took it much time to wrap his arms around her. If she was hugging him tightly before, now he was hugging her back as if his life depends on her.

And it somehow did.

His emotions were flowing all the places and he realised she was the one who could control them. It was the same like that day, three years back. And he was glad it's her again.

Flash back

A 19 year old Madhyam Sahay, the good boy with charming looks and soft personality was lost. He has been lost since ever. Distinctional families do this to you.

He had lost interest in every other thing which he loved earlies. What is this if not depression? He knows how bad it can get and the worst part was he didn't even feared the consequences.

As if he would be happy if something extreme happened.

He was on his way towards his home, a big bunglow inside the University campus, his mother owned since she was the HOD.

He might call it home but he knew it was just a house of concrete for him. Nothing like home.

However, as he made his way further inside the house, his mother showed up in an instant. He knew he's not going to like whatever she had to say.

"you'll be going chess classes from tomorrow." And just like that, another decision was forced up on him.

He tried to oppose since he knew he is went that smart to learn a game like chess. But since his dad's second wife's daughter had been selected on national level chess championship, his mother made it a goal to make Madhyam go on greater hights then her.

She was like this. Always compared Madhyam to that thirteen year old girl.

In between the comparison, Madhyam learnt to hate his father and their family, his mother and himself too. So much that he blamed it all on himself. That it somehow pained.

So much that one day, it almost suffocated him. He wasn't a coward to end his own life but he did wanted to breathe a little. So he made his way towards the garden outside, at 10 at night.

It was calm and cozy on that October night. He ran and ran and ran until his lungs gave in and he had to take a break.

That was the moment when he heart something so melodious reaching his ears. It felt like an unknown tune. Maybe created by the person singing itself.

Whatever it was, it was so soothing. He went a little forward and watched as a girl almost his age was humming a soft tune. What was she doing at this hour at night alone outside was beyond his knowledge.

Until she stopped singing and spoke to a dog.

"Now you are full right? So do not bark at night anymore, hmm? Now I'll come and feed you tomorrow. Goodnight brownie." She patted the dog who was wiggling his tail so much and made her way towards the girls dormitory, which was just in front of where she was standing.

It was a very small action of kindness of her. That too towards a mute creature. But it filled so much of Madhyam's heart and gave him hope.

Hope which was earlier lost somewhere within him.

He found his new goal, and that was kindness.

End of flashback

He cried more on realising those moments. He felt the same right now. Him in distress and her saving him from himself.

"It's alright. It's going to be fine. I'm with you, okay." She comforter him and whispered sweet nothings in his ears.

But he visibly calmed on listening the one sentence he wanted to listen from her and only her.

I'm with you.

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