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Annika had lost the track of time on how long was she exactly holding him. But what she knew was it was necessary for someone to do that. To save him from drowning in his misery.

And she was somewhat glad that it was her who did this honor. So was he.

"Shall us go back somewhere nicer?" She asked him in a very gentle, tender tone.

His head was resting on her bossom, but not in an uncomfortable way, instead in a cosy way for both of them. And his hands were wrapped around her waist.

The position might seem a bit too intimate for outsiders, if anyone saw them like this but they were just living the moment.

"I'm sorry." He replied and got up, wipping his tears away, he looked down as if embarrassed of himself.

"Hey hey, wait no! You don't have to apologise or anything. What you did was normal. After whatever happened, which I heard somehow and I'm sorry for eavesdropping, I know your reaction is valid. No one's blaming you. So shhh. Stop with the sorry." She said and made him look up in her eyes with her fingers.

His eyes looked so red and tired that it pained her heart.

"It okay to cry Madhyam. One can't always be composed. And tears are the reflections of how strong you are." She said and Madhyam wondered just how does she knows what to say at what time!

He nodded timidly and stood up. Giving a hand to Annika, he helped her get up too.

"Cafe '95?" She asked referring to the cafe inside their university campus. He thought for a while before nodding and made his way with her outside the damned cabin of his mother.


"So? Cappuccino or Americano?" Annika asked to Madhyam who shrugged nonchalantly. He was more than content to spend some time with Annika to care about coffee flavour.

"Arrey! Ye kya hota hai. Batao kya loge?" She persisted and he sighed before muttering a small 'lemonade'. She smiled and placed the order for both of them. A cappuccino for her and lemonade for him.
(Hey! What's this. Tell me what you'll have?)

"So...are you feeling better now?" She asked while carefully approaching the topic. He smiled at her concern.

"Yes. I'm fine now. Better at least. All thanks to you, for saving me again." He said and she looked at him confused. As far as she knows, he was the one who saved get from the creepy man in library. When did she ever saved him?

But before she could ask this, their drinks came along with the complimentary french fries. So they stopped talking and dig in.


Life had been going smoothly ever since for both of them. It's been two weeks since the HOD cabin insident and now Annika and Madhyam are close friends. They exchanged numbers after leaving the cafe that day.

"So, did you guys kiss?" Annika asked her best friend Manny, who was narrating about how her date with Nikhil went.

Yes, they were together. All thanks to Annika. After the bench insident that day, they started talking and eventually became more than friends. Annika knew something was between them since start, so it was no shock for her.

"What? No! Not yet I mean." Manny said, with her cheeks turning red. No matter how normal it was for college students to date and be in intimate relationships, Manny can never. She is that kind of girl who acts all tough, but is actually a big softie.

And that's what Annika love the most about her. She's just too cute for her own good.

"Awww. Someone's getting all shy hah!" She smirked and Manny hit her with a pillow. Just then Nikhil walked inside the room.

"Hawww. Nik! Tell your girl not to him me, it hurts!" Annika exclaimed with fake anger and Manny turned back to see Nikhil standing on the door frame.

"She can do whatever the hell she wants." He said simply looking at Monika's eyes.

"Even beat someone?" Annika asked with a raised brow.

"Yea why not. I know how to fight if they backfire." He shrugged and took the seat on the bed behind Monika and hugged her from behind, who melted in his arms.

"Ugh guys...these words and this PDA is too sweet for my own liking. Do it somewhere else. Or even better, I'm out." Saying this Annika exited his dorm room, where the three of them were chilling.

She left the building and as she was going down the stairs, she felt someone tug on her wrist.

She turned around and saw Madhyam looking at her intently. She looked back in his eyes with a questioning frown when he said.

"Would you mind a talk?"

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