Chapter 2

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"And do you Kate Williams take James Bryans to be your husband, to live together after God’s ordinance, in the holy estate of matrimony? Will you love him, comfort him, honor and keep him, in sickness and in health, for richer, for poorer, for better, for worse, in sadness and in joy, to cherish and continually bestow upon him your heart’s deepest devotion, forsaking all others, keep yourself only unto him as long as you both shall live?" he asked. 

For the first time since she got up there, her blue eyes connected with James chocolate orbs. Her father said that he 'just knew' but the problem was, she couldn't feel anything. 

"I-I," you could feel the tension in the air as James gave her a confused look, a bit of hurt evident in his eyes. She could pratically feel the stares of the audience on her body but she remembered her father's words.

No matter the consequences...

"I can't," with that, she ran as fast as she could in high heels down the aisle, away from her parents, away from the wedding party, away from the priest, and away from James.

Chapter 2:

No one has ever experienced true pain until they run down an aisle, out of a church and a then mile in 6 inch heels. Now, Kate prided herself to be able to do almost anything in heels, but her foot was absolutely killing her! That was it! She had better things to worry about than her dying foot. She stopped and removed her pumps. Oh yes...bliss. 

She continued walking with the pumps in her hands. She realized she was attracting a bit of attention but honestly, she had bigger problems to worry about. Besides, this was New York City, a barefooted woman in a wedding dress with heels in her hands was definitely not the strangest thing to happen.

'Come on Kate, just a little bit again and you'll make it,' she mentally urged herself to continue. Despite her slim figure, she was the polar opposite of athletic. She still had no idea how she made it a mile in heels. Pure adrenaline from leaving your best friend at the alter.

Finally, she was here. The park. Yes, you are probably wondering,'The park, really?' But hey, give the woman a break. This park was special to her. When she was young, her father would take her there every Sunday evening. The two of them would play and laugh, but the best part of the day would be sitting on a bench, overlooking the pond filled with swans just swimming away, enjoying their life. 

She wasted no time in going directly there. She sat down and watched the birds. They truly have the perfect life. Playing, relaxing, doing whatever they please. But, the best part is, after they are finished, they could just spread their wings and fly 

She wondered about what was happening back there, how James must be feeling. Hurt, betrayed, disgusted, angry? She wouldn't blame him for any of those things. She did to him what no person should ever do to another. She wouldn't blame him if he never talks to her again, not that it wouldn't hurt. James had been her best friend from the beginning of time, even before Lily. It should've ended in a fairytale romance, but, instead, she left the alter...oh God! How could she be so stupid? He will definitely hate her.

She was so deep in thought that she didn't realize a presence next to her. "Magnificent creatures, aren't they?" a deep voice next to her asked cheerily. She nearly jumped out of her skin. She turned to see a blonde guy of about 25 sitting next to her.

"Whoa, sorry, didn't mean to scare you," he apologized with a chuckle.

"I wasn't scared," she replied indignantly. "I was just startled, that's all." He looked at her with his blue eyes and chuckled. Silence settled once again. 

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