Chapter 3

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"I should probably go now," she said standing up.

"Me too," he said, standing up also. 

She extended her hand to him. "Thank you for your advice stranger. And good luck with your proposal," she said. 

He took it and gave it a firm, yet gentle shake. "Thank you for your advice also. Good luck with the best friend/ex-fiance," he said. "See ya around stranger."

"Good-bye," she said softly. They let go of each other's hands and turned to walk away, away from each other's lives.

Chapter 3:

*3 years later*

*Kate's POV*

"FLYING SHIT MONKEYS!!!! NO FREAKING WAY!!!!" Lily yelled....extremely loudly.

"Lily! First of all, owwwwwwwwww, second of all, this is a bakery! You can't say that kind of thing in here!" I exclaimed as she turned her attention to the mass of disgusted looking customers. "I apologize for my friend everyone," I said to the angry mob who didn't look at the chocolate cake the same way again. Some glared at us, others gave us a curt nod and turned back to their...whatever the hell they were doing.....and others just chose to ignore us completely and continue eating. 

"So? I'm the owner so I say screw 'em," she said. I laughed and shook my head as yet another crude comment escaped her lips. 

"How about, as the owner, u actually work?" I asked hopefully as I gave a customer her blueberry muffin and caramel latte. 

"Nah, I'm good." she said. I groaned and she giggled and set to work serving customers. Why did I agree to help her again? Oh yea.....she manipulated me with a six pack of red bull. I knew my red bull addiction would come back to bite me in the ass someday, I guess today is that day. Stupid best friend! I should probably stop drinking red bull......when hell freezes over! 


Finally, it was time to close up. Lily and I cleaned up and took off all the lights before locking up. A dark grey Lancer pulled up and Lily's boyfriend, Michael, got out and went straight for Lily, pulling her into a rough kiss.

"Hey sweet cheeks," he greeted her when they finally pulled apart. I mentally groaned. I really dislike this guy. He then turned to me. "Hey hotness." Yup, really dislike this guy. Michael Yearwood, Lily's  latest bad choice. 28 years old, plays in a band, has no real job otherwise, still lives with his parents, uses his dad's car a lot and he sleeps on a futon for heaven's sake (information provided by Lily, I really dont want to know how she knows). Good looking though. Brown hair, hazel eyes, bad boy, lots of disturbing tattoos, cocky, arrogant and thinks he's the hottest thing since microwave dinners.....which is all he can cook.....and he still manages to burn that!

"Want a ride?" Lily asked. I gave Michael a disguested look. I made my distaste for Michael no secret.

"No thanks sweetie, I don't want to catch whatever disease he might have," I said. She rolled her eyes at me and smiled all the same.

"I should have known your answer Kate. You're so mean to Mikey!" she complained. I chuckled. She just shook her head at me and waved goodbye as she and Michael drove off. I checked the time on my watch as I began to walk. 9pm already?!? I continued walking but after a while, I had this strange feeling that someone was following me. Of course, this is the city that never sleeps and many people were going my way, but I couldn't shake that feeling. 

Just to make sure, I turned into an alleyway and sure enough, I heard footsteps behind me. Ok, this was getting creepy. I stopped walking all of a sudden but the footsteps continued getting closer to me. When I felt that the person was in range, I turned around and quickly kneed him in the balls. He bent down and held his area, groaning. I only saw a mop of blonde hair. He raised his head and I quickly sprayed him with pepper spray. He yelled and held his face.

"Who are you and why are you following me?" I asked. Maybe the Prince of Spain sent him here to punish me. I knew I shouldn't have written about his underground dealings with the Spanish mafia. But my stupid journalism instincts made me write it. Anyway, he should have known better than to get into it with those type of people. If this brute thinks I'm going down with a fight, then he should think again! I might not be strong......or particularly smart in a fight....or well co-ordinated.....but I didn't go to a self defense class for a week for nothing!

"Look, let me explain," the man said, still holding his eyes. 

"Did Prince Felipe send you? Tell him that I'm sorry but he should have known better," I said, holding the pepper can threateningly...sorta.....

"No, I was not sent by anyone," he said. He removed his hands and I could faintly see his eyes were red from the spray....though I couldn't make out his his eye color in the dark. He seemed somewhat familiar. Damn, he was tall. Even in 4 inch heels, my 5'6 was no where close to his 6'3. He took a step towards me. "I-AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!" he yelled as he was hit with yet another round of my pepper spray. I took that opportunity to kick start my legs and get the hell out of there!

"Later stalker assassin! Tell Felipe I said hi!" I shouted at him before I disappeared. I took a cab the rest of the way home. No way am I risking walking again. I entered my small apartment and went directly to bed, only bothering to kick off my heels. To hell with pajamas, my dress is comfortable enough! 


I got up the next morning feeling like a zombie. Isn't it amazing how every morning is like a hangover for me? I am so lucky, aren't I? Please note my sarcasm. I took a nice long shower and got out, only to see that I was running really late. Crap!!! I changed my clothes at a pace that would put Flash to shame and high tailed it out of there.

It was only when I was in the cab that I had a chance to realize what exactly I was wearing, considering I put on the first thing I saw. I was wearing a purple, long sleeved turtleneck blouse, neon green sweats and a pair of pink sneakers. And to top it off, I only put on 1 purple sock. Oh well, atleast it matches my blouse. Double Crap!!! It's the wrong shade of purple! Well, life sure is a field of daisies, isn't it? 

The cab stopped and I rushed out after paying the man, not bothering about change and rushed into the building. I waited with an old man for the elevator but it was taking too damn long to come down so I decided to run up the 7 flights of stairs. Needless to say, I was seriously out of breath when I reached my floor. What was even sadder was that as I reached my floor, the elevator opened to reveal the old man who was waiting with me. I really need more patience. 

Wait a minute, where was everyone? TRIPLE CRAP!!! We were supposed to have a staff meeting this morning!!! I dropped my stuff in my office and barged into the meeting room. "I am so sorry! I-" I stopped short at the sight before me. What is that word again? Quadriple? Quadruple? Yes, quadruple.... QUADRUPLE CRAP!!!

Standing in my meeting room, with his eyes (which I now saw were a pretty blue) still red from my pepper spray, was.....him. If you're thinking creepy stalker assassin dude.....then you and me.....we have this strange kind of mind connection thing going on.........

"Take a seat," mystery killer dude said "My name is Eric Knight, I'm your new boss...." I think if I crap anymore....I'll crap out my guts.......


HEYO GUYS!!!!! This chapter is dedicated to my friend angelicious101 who has been bugging me for a while now to update...and....ironically, has caught a bug and is now sick in bed. Feel better hun. Please comment, vote and so on. Thanks for reading. Love you guys :)

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