Chapter 4

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Wait a minute, where was everyone? TRIPLE CRAP!!! We were supposed to have a staff meeting this morning!!! I dropped my stuff in my office and barged into the meeting room. "I am so sorry! I-" I stopped short at the sight before me. What is that word again? Quadriple? Quadruple? Yes, quadruple.... QUADRUPLE CRAP!!!

Standing in my meeting room, with his eyes (which I now saw were a pretty blue) still red from my pepper spray, was.....him. If you're thinking creepy stalker assassin dude.....then you and me.....we have this strange kind of mind connection thing going on.........

"Take a seat," mystery killer dude said "My name is Eric Knight, I'm your new boss...." I think if I crap anymore....I'll crap out my guts.......

Chapter 4:

I just stood mouth opening and closing continuously. I looked like some weird kind of fish. Considering my outfit....a weird colorful fish. I snapped out of it and slowly took my seat. What in the name of Taylor Lautner's abs?!?! What is creepy stalker du- my bad 'Eric Knight' doing here?!?! Is he undercover to kill me? Flying biscuits! I forgot my pepper spray home today! I need to get out of here as fast as I can. Crap, I think he was talking.

"And in conclusion, I won't ask that you do your best, but that, as New York's number 1 newspaper, you keep up the good work and we remain number 1," he said cheerfully. "You may get back to work now." I quickly got up and was almost out the door when I heard a voice call behind me. "Miss Williams, can you please stay back? I have something to discuss with you," 'Eric Knight' said.

" in troubleeee...." my colleague/friend, Vanessa, whispered in a very, well, she calls it 'gangster' but I call it 'constipated'  voice. She cannot pull off ganster. I glared at her and sighed before turning ever so slowly and making my way back to my new 'boss'. I stood in front of him, picking at my nails nervously. 

"Please, take a seat Miss Williams," he said. Lovely, I should stay on guard in case he attacks. 'What's he gonna attack you with? A paperclip? I can see it now! LOCAL JOURNALIST MURDERED IN OFFICE WITH A PAPER CLIP. MURDERER STILL UNKNOWN!' my irritating inner voice said. 'Shut up inner voice,' I responded internally. I've finally gone crazy....I'm having arguments with myself. 

"I assume you know why I wanted to speak with you?" he asked.

"You thought my fashion sense was awesome and wanted some fashion advice from me?" I asked with a nervous smile. He looked at my attire with a raised eyebrow, clearly amused. 

"Don't worry Ms. Williams, I have no intention of taking anything pertaining to fashion from you," he said. Well......that was rude. I would give him a piece of my mind if it wasn't for the fact that I kind of valued my life. We just sat there in silence and I was getting really nervous so I opened my big mouth.

"Ok, let's cut to the chase here. What do you want fromme so bad that you pretend to be our new boss? Did Prince Felipe really send you? Or was it the Prime Minister? He was always a brutal man. Or maybe the CEO's son. He should have known better than to ask me out. I don't dig rich, snobby kids. Hehe I said dig. Anyway, I-"

"Please stop speaking Ms. Williams." he cut me off. "I just wanted to explain why I was following you yesterday. I recently bought this newspaper and I had files on everyone. Your previous boss, Mrs. Jameson, said that you didn't exactly do well with surprises and usually tend to either 'scream like a banshee' her words, not mine, get shocked silent or go into 'ninja mode', again, her words. I now see what she meant by 'ninja mode'. So, to avoid the first, or last scene from occuring, I decided to go and tell you about my new ownership yesterday. I tried calling your phone but the answering machine said you'd be at Lily's Baked Goodies 'til 8:30 so I decided to meet you there. I tried to keep up with you but damn, you can power walk. Excuse my language. Then, I finally met your....'ninja mode'."

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