6~argentum album

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°~White silver~°

Tame people seldom make history,but what about us who didn't even know history?
Well I wouldn't know.
I was made to dominate history the moment I started learning.

"Look Andie. She's waking up." I stirred, my eyelids feeling heavy. I felt a soft hand grasping mine, squeezing softly. I tried to speak but my throat was tight, only whimpering came out.

"It's okay honey, you can relax for now. You don't have to speak but they bandaged your eyes incase you try to..." The girl's voice trailed off with a sad sigh.

"Anyways, My name is Tessa. Tho that's not my official name,you don't have to worry about that. And my brother whom you've sort of met..

I only heard a throat being cleared at the sound of the name,which I safely assumed was him. The girl shifted her hand slightly, rather gripping my wrist than my hand.

"Look, you're gonna have to be strong for the days to come. These people are going to break you in everyway they can,but you must not give in to them."

I heard the sounds of hurried footsteps and the clinking of metal got louder as the girl held on to me tightly. I heard Andreas' deep voice, and Tessa's hurried breaths.

" I have to go now but I will be back Honey. Just know that you're not alone in whatever is going to come your way." I felt her hand slip from mine and a soft kiss was placed on my forehead.

"That's a promise." With that, I could feel Tessa and Andreas leave, making the already dark environment even more darker. In the uncomfortable silence I layed motionless, not even having the will to even weep in the loneliness.

How long I was strapped to that bed, my eye sight taken away from me?
How long did they pump that poison into my body? I shudder to this day when I think about it.

"Is she ready to be released, doctor?" An arrogant voice said.

"Yes, she's prepped and ready. Though I must advise to keep any mirrors away from her,or she could get veral again."

The arrogant voice laughed mockingly and replied. "No, we wouldn't want her to get veral on US now do we?"

I felt the restraints starting to loosen,my arms feeling numb from circulation. Then hands started patting at my head, peeling away the bandages that have been blocking me for who knows how long.

As the last rol lifted, my strained my eyes against the pale light of the hospital. To be frank, it was alot better than the darkness.

Though, my joy was quickly ended when I saw a man's face hovering over mine. His face was brushed with a wicked moustache and yellowed teeth smiled at me.

When I stared at the man in uncertainty, he laughed.

"Don't rush princess. I know I'm not the first thing you want to see,but you're going to get used to it. After I break you that is."

He smirked manically before lunging at me, trying to grab my arm. Unfortunately for me,my body was not used to movements yet.

So he grabbed my arm, yanked me out of the hospital bed and hurled me into the floor. I screamed at him and tried to unfurl his fingers from my arm, but he then started to drag me with him.

"Where -you!?" My throat was still thick, barely getting out the words. But he only ignored me and kept walking down the hallway.

The fold in my arms where the needles was, was bleeding and dark blue from bruising. Exactly where he was gripping me. I stumbled desperately to stand up but he didn't give me a chance to, until he took a sharp left and entered a room.

He shoved me forward and motioned to the small cubby. "You have 15 minutes to get dressed. If not- well let's hope you listen well enough not to disobey."

He sighed and slammed the door behind him. I took a breath and looked around me, the tiny room with a small bed and cubby in the corner.

When I tried to stand up, I was surprised to see that I could stand perfectly after laying down so long.
In the cubby, I discovered was a pair one piece suits.

As I pulled myself into them, I felt like they were gripping every muscle in my body and holding everything in a extremely tight place. Tho I didn't have a clue how I would take if off once it's on but that's something I'd worry about later.

As I studied myself, I found that my body morphed. I was alot more toned which was extremely odd and my limbs felt longer than before. I couldn't comprehend it at the time, I'm just a fourteen year old girl who's been experimented on... With something.

As I breathed in my rising panic, the door slid open behind me and a young woman walked in. She had a massive main of blonde hair and pointed years like the cadet from before.

She cleared her throat, " I'm here to escort you to the Argentum. Where on a tight schedule so you've got to stay close."

I looked at her in a weary stare, not sure what to do with her standing there. She looked just as uncomfortable,but she sighed before she spoke.

"I'm Tessa by the way."
I widened my eyes as a bit of the tension between my shoulders left.

My voice in my throat hurt as I spoke:" You're Tessa?Why... Helping me?" She looked remorseful as she walked out of the room, motioning for me to follow.

As I started to carefully walk out of the room,the feeling in my legs making it strange to walk.

"Just please don't run, and whatever you do.. Listen to that bastard. Even if you hate him like everyone else, he's the one who's gonna keep you alive."

Tessa moved and grabbed my wrist, pulling me along with her.

"And also remember, I'm helping you because no one helped me. If it has to start somewhere, I hope it starts with you."

I frowned at her, wanting to comment but she gave me a large shove out of the door into the deadly heat outside.

"Just walk until you see a white line and two white poles! He's waiting there!"

Tessa shouted at me before slamming the door closed and leaving me alone in the prison like barracks with armoured men,looking at me like they wanted to eat me...

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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