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When a certain darkness befalls you, it's hard to recall how there was light before it came.
But true light is hope,and
hatred is a coward
compared to its sibling.

It was nighttime when the wagon finally stopped again. The men was restless when the captain grunted something before I came to again.
Luckily,the bleeding on my shoulder had stopped sometime ago but it stings whenever the wind blows.

Nights were cold,compared to the day. They were much longer to get through to be honest, the darkness was no comfort either than the scorching days. I heard rustling of cloth before the captain shouted again.

I scooted closer, trying to relieve some of the pain in my legs. My arms where numb at this point since it has been tied up for so long. The captain's shouts suddenly ceased, and a thick silence fell around the area.

I still couldn't see,since the guard that gave me water had rudely shoved the bag over my head. He nicked my ear in the process with his rings but atleast it's just sensitive to touch now instead of bleeding still.

Then suddenly I heard chains being pulled. The wagon started to shake, almost like it's being shaked by a earthquake. I tried desperately to push myself against the sidewall, trying not to fall of it again.

After about five minutes,the rumbling stopped. I heard the horses growing uneasy as I heard the captain shout a single word. I still didn't understand what he was saying,so I felt more in the dark than ever.

Then, I felt hands on my waist. I tried to wiggle out of whomever the grasp I was in but they gripped me hard on my sides. I whimpered as I was being hoisted in the air, carried on someone's shoulder.

I shook my head, trying to get the bag off and with some luck I did. As I looked up, I saw I was being carried over a massive bridge. The men stood just at the edge of it, watching me go.

Only the captain wasn't there with them. I felt rough fingers grip my right ear and the rough voice of the captain whispered:

"Well little girl, you're about to meet the rest of your life. I suggest you try to stay sane, since surviving is near impossible in here. "

He let go of my ear and got out of my view. I closed my eyes and tried not to think of what's going to happen. I prayed and prayed, hoping that atleast I'd live to see another day.

Sometime after that, I grew exhausted and passed out.
"Wake up sunshine!"

The voice chirped, before I opened my eyes. It was then a bucket of boiling water was dumped on me, blistering my skin further. I felt my hands were free as I pressed weakly on the wall I was lying against.

I screamed,the pain excruciating on the cuts. I brought my hands to my face, trying to cover my face. My body was weak with dehydration and my vision was severely blurry to the dawn's sunlight.

From what I could tell was in a cage that was built against a massive wall.
I tried to stand up against it,my feet tied together. I figured they didn't bother restraining me fully since I couldn't really see.

Luckily the stinging sensation went away, but I welcomed the water against my skin. I brought my arm to my mouth and began licking the moisture off.

"Oh the poor girl's thirsty. James! Bring another bucket!" I quickly looked up at the voice, seeing a man with a wicked moustache.

He wore a sleeveless shirt with army attire and boots. "Where am -"
He raised his hand and before I could blink he backhanded me.

"Shut up! You'll learn to hold your tongue!" He screeched, spit spewing from his mouth as he towered over me. I kept my head low and only sobbed silently.

"Stop crying girl. Tears are useless here." I felt him curl his fingers in my hair and pulling my head up harshly. I yelped and whimpered, clawing at the painful pressure on my head.

He moved my head to the side and the sharp sting of a needle pressed against my skin.
" You must be something special if you're a lab rat. Usually we just break you in half and throw you on the battlefields. Let's hope you're as tough as that old geezer said."

He let go of my head and threw me on the ground. I felt extreme pain in my temple, it felt as if my head was going to explode. I curled into a fetal position and cradled my head between my hands.

"Here sir,the bucket."

"Took you a year and half to bring it. Well cadette, do you think she'll make it?" Moustache man grunted.

"I don't know sir, she seems a little young to me."
The moustache man laughed at this.

"It doesn't matter. If she's a pet to the bastards then she'll definitely survive.

fter all, they're greedy but their intuition is scary shit. Now go cadette, you don't want to be here when she has a reaction."

My body shook violently and I struggled to breathe. Then, I felt water being poured onto me but this time a little more gently.

"It's a shame I can't break you in yet. You would make a fantastic maid, but no matter. You'd probably die in the first year or so." The moustache man sighed and put the bucket down.

He reached outside of the cage to a blanket. He threw it over me and started to saunter out. Before he stepped out,he looked at me one more time. His face was emotionless as he said:

"Rest well little girl. This is the last night before you'll die."

Right! Another chapter bites the dust. Tho this book could get graphic so if you don't want to read it then it's just fine.

Likes and Comments are always welcome.
Stay save and groovy peoples

The Soldier named Dalliance Where stories live. Discover now