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I really thought I had cancer but instead I was pregnant.

For a month.

Apparently, Tawni and the guys have been eavesdropping the whole time, so as soon as they entered my little space of privacy in the emergency room, they started shooting me questions.

"Oh my fucking shit you're pregnant? Why didn't you tell me!"


"Cancer? Really Brooks?"

Tawni was the one who freaked out the most. Only because she thought I was keeping my pregnancy a secret from her.

Well guess what, I didn't freakin know I was pregnant too!

Only Ivan managed to congratulate me, and I didn't know if I appreciate it or otherwise.

"Guys, please. You're all giving me a headache. Again," I chimed.

They all stopped their talking and had finally shut up.

"Are you serious, sir?" Cody asks the doctor.

"I always am," the doctor answers.

I looked at Cody with wide eyes, trying to scold him psychologically.

"Brooklyn just felt an intense headache only because she's not receiving much nutrients now that she's sharing it with a baby. Now that she is properly informed with her condition, she can go home." With that, the doctor left us. Then a second later he came back. "And Miss Meester, please do visit an ob-gyne." Then he left for real.

"So.. Brooklyn.. I'm really curious.." Cody started.

Ivan finally stepped up and tried to calm Tawni and Cody down.

"Guys, Brooklyn is a pregnant woman. Don't give her stress. Don't even try to interrogate her that much, okay? She's also going to have these intense maternal hormones so I suggest you guys should always keep her calm," he explains.

"I just wanted to ask who the father is.." Cody muttered to himself, but apparently I heard it.

And believe me, I hope I could answer that question differently.

Tawni looked at Ivan in awe. "I always remember how Ivan's mom is an ob-gyne. I'm so in love with you," she says to him.

Enough of what Ivan had said, they finally all took me home.

I lay on my bed in silence, still not getting over the fact I'm pregnant.

I have a child.

I could say that Cody was really upset, though I can say the same with Tawni.

Obviously, when Cody tried to date me, he wasn't expecting that girl to be a mother. Not to mention seventeen and pregnant.

But oh no.

Oh damn.

I can't be pregnant! This will ruin my career of being a.. Oh wait, an assistant to the receptionist..

Now that I'm thinking about it, maybe it's okay after all.


Really, Brooklyn? I just had to have a one night stand with my best friend! Oh! We're such idiots!

My mom is going to kill me!

My stepfather.. I don't know. But yeah, maybe he could and he would!

I'm going to be so depressed. Why did I let this happen? Why did I have to be such an idiot?

Clearly, I'm to immature for this.

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