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Seven weeks later, everything and everyone was doing okay, except for Tawni's wedding catering. She spent weeks and weeks of traveling all over the states, looking for a catering service that felt "wedding perfect" as Tawni herself would say it. She did this travel of course, with her fiancé.

Which was really hilarious for me because Tawni and Ivan's wedding is going to happen not until three years. Yet Tawni's stressing about it now?

On the other note, I was left alone in the apartment then, doing nothing but eating veggies and fruits.

Also when I felt sad, I called Cody several times to bring me to Ice Cream land. He was great company. I wouldn't complain because he was attractive and nice and hot and really good with cranky pregnant teenagers.

Plus, it wasn't on my list to see my child growing without a father. Cody could fit perfectly.


Just another week until Tawni comes home from her catering hunt and I'm just hoping she found one already because I can't stand her whining about it.

"Oh my God! Do they want me to cry on my wedding reception?!"

"All I want is a perfect reception!"

"I want gourmet food served at my wedding reception!"

"That is it, I'm going to cancel my wedding if I have to!"

Someone knocked on my door that pulled me out of my thoughts. "Are you a criminal?" I called from the sofa.


"Oh. Then come in!" I called.

The door opened and Cody entered. "Hey princess," he greeted. He walked over to the sofa where I was sprawled on then he gave me a small paper bag.

I sat up. "Ooh! What's this?" I asked. I snatched the bag from him and opened it to see lots of unisex baby clothing. Those kinds that were extremely soft. They looked like little baby onesies with the hood and pajamas.

"They're so cute!" I took one out from the bag and carried it in front of me. "This is so great, Codes. You're amazing!"

Cody smiled. The one that melted my knees.

"Well, I always remembered how you'd fangirl over the outfit of the little kids we see at Ice cream land. So I guess I just.. I don't know, thought that you'd love to have infant clothes.. For starters," he shrugged.

"Aww, Cody! You're amazing!"

"Not really," he tilted his head. "But you are, I'm sure of."


We talked for minutes until a topic came up that made me excited.

It started with Cody's question.

"So.. Have you thought of the baby's names?"

Of course I have. Every night.

"Yeah, I guess," I nodded nonchalantly.

"Then tell me," he said. "Start with the girl names."

"Hmm.. Jemima Lily.. Meester."
My last name was suitable for it.

I looked at Cody for his reaction; which was impassive.

Okay, "For the boy name.. It's a little private," I mumbled uncomfortably.

"How private?" Cody asked.

Well, private considering that I'm naming my son after his father and of course if my child happens to be a girl she'll get Jemima which of course was from her father as well.

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