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Telling Jeremiah that he was the father of the baby I was carrying was like telling the president about the statistics of trade investments. It didn't matter if everyone knew because the president knew it himself already.

It also meant that I could finally tell Cody who the father of my baby was. I was no idiot of course, so I told him not until everyone left home after the thanksgiving party.

To sum everything up, he just ended up screaming horseshit that may or may not have resulted in him kicking the furniture in the living room.

"That motherfvcking dxckhead fvcker! I'll fvckin castrate his fvckin bxlls and-"

My consolation to this whole wrath was to cover my ears so tightly that no air could enter them.

He slammed his fists on the wall with so much force that I was actually terrified that he might bring the house down.

"That a$$hole-"

"STOP! If you swear one more time, I'll literally murder you! Shut up!" Tawni yelled.

"You don't know how it feels! I feel betrayed. I'm such an idiot!" He retorted back.

"You're already an idiot. There's nothing new so shut up!" She screamed.

I was already on the verge of crying.

"That.. That.." Cody continued, the volume of his voice fluctuating.

"Just stop, Cody. There's no use with throwing tantrums. What's done is done. Just please don't," Tawni pleaded, her eyes already tearing up.

There was a moment of silence until I heard a sniffling noise.

I looked around the living room until I saw Tawni sobbing in the corner, her hands covering her face as she tried to hide the pain.

I ran towards her from the sofa and comforted her, knowing the real reason she was crying. She was too depressed with not only the whole Cody tantrum but also with her failed engagement that it made her finally breakdown.

I turned to see Cody with his eyes shut. I swore I could've seen his tears.


Not that I was depressed, but I just found myself not hungry the next day.

And the day after that.

And the days that came after.

I've survived through whole wheat bread and greek yogurt.

Tawni left the town the day after Cody's expletive-enriched explosions had happen. Despite her tenebrific attitude, she was able to forewarn me with the effect of starving myself, which would result to multiple dysfunctions with the baby I was carrying.

I tried eating.

I was sitting on the couch when the telephone rang. I reached for the phone which was on the coffee table, which may I remind you that Cody had left the whole furniture with shattered pieces of glasses.

I blew off some glass shards from the phone and delicately picked it up.


Sweetheart! How are you?

I gulped.

I'm.. Doing great, mom.

You don't sound like it.

It's just a nasal problem.

Like that excuse would work on me. I may not be as young as you are sweetheart, but I know how to distinguish sarcasm, euphemisms, and lies.

Okay, you got me. I'm.. Tired.

Then go rest, sweetheart.

I'm tired of everything.

Hush now, you're too young to say that.

Yeah and I'm too young to experience pain and suffering.

What's bothering you?

A lot.

There was a pause.

Brookie, sweetheart. Is there anything you wanna tell me?



Are you sure?



Another pause.

How many months?

My mouth has gone dry.

What are you talking about?

How many months are you pregnant?

Is she kidding?


Don't deny. You may not have realized it, but telling the people for a work leave on your dad's company didn't mean that the news wouldn't go to us.

Stepdad, mom. And no. I didn't realize people who worked there had enough boring lives that they decided to talk about mine.

Now, now, sweetheart. I would be shouting at you right now for being pregnant. But no, I'm not going to because I already know how depressed you are. I'll wait when you're in a good mood then I'll go screaming at you until your ears bleed.

You do? I mean, you know I'm depressed?

Yes. And now you're going to have to tell me. Everything.


That's it. I'm calling your father. mom demanded over the phone.

I broke a cold sweat.

What? No! Mom, are you serious? You think calling your divorced husband will fix this? Mom! You can't! Please don't! I'm sad! That's a good enough reason for you, right? I rambled in one breath over the phone.

No. my mom's voice boomed. I can't get off this cruise ship until four weeks. I'm telling your father your atrocities and he will find a damn way to fix it!

I gasped. You want him to take me to an abortion hospital or something??

My mom was silent on the other line. A second later, she laughed. A laugh that was cold and heartless and definitely shouts, "I'm too serious for your stupidity."

No. I do not want your child to be aborted. He's staying with you, and that's why given your circumstance that Tawni and Cody left you, no one is there to take care of you so I'm contacting your dad.

I rolled my eyes even when she couldn't see it. Didn't you swear you'd never call him again?

Well didn't you swear to not fool around?

There was silence. Touché.

I'm hanging up. I got to call Callan.

A very emotional reunion with my father was in my immediate future. Smell the sweet scent of my sarcasm.

Moments later then I realize that no matter how much I despise the idea of my mother setting me up to stay with my dad, I found myself sighing in relief.

Knowing my dad, he would get infuriated knowing that I was living in a house filled with broken furniture. Or, of course, I mean he could scream at me because I'm a mother but.. I guess I deserve it.

But I mean, Callan left me and my mother nine years ago! He didn't have the right to scold me! No!

But nevertheless, I found myself kneeling in front of my dresser, my hand digging through my clothes and shoving them into a backpack I don't remember taking out of my closet. As soon as Callan saw how messy the house is, he would immediately tell me to go with him "because he has a place a million times nicer than this apartment."

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