20. AUGUST 1898

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*themes of grief and long-term illness of loved ones

ANDIE walks to ELIJAH's house and knocks on the door. His mother answers.

Andie: Good afternoon, Mrs Johnston.

Mrs J: Andraya. How good to see you! Are you well?

Andie: Quite well, thank you. Did Elijah –

Mrs J: He told me you'd be stopping by. Come through. I am a little worried, you want to try on my wedding dress?

MRS JOHNSTON leads ANDIE into the back bedroom.

Andie: If you don't mind, of course.

Mrs J: No, I'd be honoured. I'm sure you'll look very beautiful but...my dress is a little dated.

Andie: I'm sure it's lovely Mrs Johnston.

Mrs J: But don't you want to buy something new?

Andie: Well, we don't really have time or...the resources to buy something new. Besides, sentiment has more value, don't you think?

Mrs J: If you say so, dear. Here it is.

MRS JOHNSTONE holds up an off-white dress with ruffles and buttons. It is slightly musty where it has been stored away, but still mostly in one piece. ANDIE takes a sharp intake of breath, releasing this into a smile that is only partly-fake. 

Andie: See! I knew it, I think it's gorgeous.

Mrs J: Can I help you put it on?

Andie: I think you better had.

They smile at one another. Soon ANDIE is stood in the dress looking at the mirror.

Mrs J: There now, beautiful just as I supposed.

MRS JOHNSTONE paws at the dress, awkwardly.

Andie: Thank you, Mrs Johnston.

Mrs J: It'll be Agatha soon. Imagine that.

ANDIE smiles.

Oh, go into Elijah's room. His mirror is full length.

They go into ELIJAH's room, ANDIE is fascinated by it.

Andie: I've never been in here.

Mrs J: It would've been inappropriate before. But as you're soon to be married.

ANDIE looks at herself in the mirror as her breath catches as she realises what she is about to do. She smooths the fabric down, tentatively. After a few moments.

Oh, I've got just the thing to go with it. Something borrowed and blue! Stay here a moment, dear.

MRS JOHNSTON leaves. ANDIE looks at herself a few moments longer before looking about the room. She touches and disturbs lots of things that ELIJAH has on his shelves, on his bed, on his desk.

Andie: This is why people should live together before they marry. You're a trifle messy, husband-to-be. Who am I kidding? I used to live with a druggie.

She continues to look about the room. She takes a book off the shelf and smooths the cover. As she puts it back up she disrupts a stack of paper. Interested she picks them up, they are letters all addressed to 'ELI' with a kiss or a heart. ANDIE frowns.

She hears MRS JOHNSTON around the corner and tries to hide the stack behind her back, placing them on the desk slowly. MRS JOHNSTON has a blue sash she ties in ANDIE's hair.

Mrs J: There now. Breath-taking.

Andie: You are much too generous.

MRS JOHNSTON smooths ANDIE's hair down for her.

Anne with an E: Andie with an IEWhere stories live. Discover now