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Marcy Wu:

Age: 23, Aquarius

Bday: January 26

Bday: January 26

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Dk Artists

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Dk Artists


Anne Boonchuy:

Age: 23, Gemeni

Bday: May 21

Artist: @Esther980174

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Artist: @Esther980174

On Insta


Sasha Waybright:

Age: 23, Aries

Bday: March 28

Bday: March 28

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Dk artist

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Dk artist


Run through:

Though the trio saved the world, you would think they'd get some perks in life after that but nope. Marcy still had to move and Anne and Sasha got caught up with government stuff, thankfully Mr. X saved them from that and got the Feds off their tail

Thinking that saving the planet from an invasion that Marcy's parents would be worried and be light about going to another dimension, at least thankful, but that was all hopeful thinking

Her parents were the least concerned about what she did or who she saved, not knowing she- or her body was the cause of the war...They decided to take great measure to keeping her on a tight leash

Having moved to Massachusetts, Communication to Anne and Sasha was limited then cut off by Marcy's parents Banning her being friends with them any longer saying they were bad influences on her, to Sasha and Anne, she just randomly ghosted them, but Marcy's life was hell

It became shit, bullying in high school, got beat up for being a freak going to another dimension, some didn't believe that it actually happened and called her mentally crazy, tho her mental state was not in the greatest position

Finally getting out of high school, drawing was a hobby she had since childhood, so she started all these different types of webtoons, after a while of getting well known she became a big-time artist with a big hit comic

She got lots of praise and money, by commissions, donations, people just randomly sending money, winning big time prize contests, buyers asking for paintings and stuff, as well as from lots of other stuff, you may think she was better in life now but now she was just rich and depressed

She moved from her parents to Connecticut cause why not, and she wanted to get away from the toxicity as soon as possible.

Lately in the past few years the Core has been active, she figured it'd happen and with her mental state she didn't take well at first but through living with it she just see's it as an annoying parasite that's just there, it does get freaky when it takes over her body but she held back on it which is exhausting

They came to an agreement that they'd live somewhat peacefully if Marcy stopped fighting and the Core stopped taking over her body and messing with her reflections and that type shit

Now a days drawing is mainly all she does but she does get some Gigs at bars and pubs, some clubs but mainly bars, she preforms live music for the people and get extra pocket cash, her living money is all from what she gets from her art, she is living ok with a small house that she has just sold so she can move to LA for some dumbass reason

Personality wise, dealing with the core has drained her and with a shit teen hood she defiantly changed, no longer perky or go happy, she's numb and cold, She's always tired and people find approaching her as "Intimidating", She has different types of personalities she forgot her own

She usually is quiet and blunt with responses she really just suppresses her forgotten younger self, music gives her life as well as art, she gets random bursts of witty episodes but surprises herself at times, she still is smart maybe even smarter but she doesn't show it

yeah yeah random stuff you sure want to read more haha i know you dont, so just read along to the next chapter and you'll fall in the story yourself :)

Sasharcy probably, but not main focus just in the side

Also first published phobia story and the chapters are longer than my TOH, have fun✌️

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