Part 21

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Allison's POV

The last I remember was me falling asleep at the lake.

The floor was hard, with rocks and twigs under me.

But now whatever I'm on is comfy and soft.

I open my eyes to see I'm in my dorm, someone's next to me.

I look over to see Mattheo

He looks so peaceful the way his curls Lay on his perfect face.

I lean over to his face and plant a soft kiss on his lips.

A blush creeps up on my face.

I just kissed Mattheo Fucking Riddle.

While he's asleep.

My life is compete, I've kissed him, had sex with him, slept while cuddling him and fell asleep in his arms.

I go into kiss him one more time but half way through me planting a kiss on his lips. His eyes open.

He kissed me back and I can tell he's smirking.

After we separate

"That desperate for me?"

"What no"

"So why did you kiss me, twice"

"How do you know that I kissed you twice"

"I woke up and felt you kiss me"

"Ok that was a stupid question to ask, anyway I have my reasons on why I kissed you"

"And they are"

"That is closed information"

"Oh is it now, I bet every one in the group would like to know that Allison evergreen kissed me whilst I was asleep"

"Ok when you word it like that it sounds like I was horny to an extent"

"Are you horny?"


"Are you sure"

"Im positive"

After that eventful conversation we just sit in silence until a question pops into my head.


"Yea Princess"

"What dorm is Draco's"

"Why would you want to know what dracos dorm is?"

"Cause I need to ask Molly something and my bets are that she's in with Draco, there's no need to get jealous"

"I wasn't jealous, anyway I can take you to his dorm"

"Ok then get up"

Theo gets out of bed by me dragging his arm. The lazy ass.

We finally arrive at Draco's dorm.

Theo was about to walk in. Does he not have manners.

"What are you doing" I ask

"Walking in" he says looking down at me

"Knock on the door"


"Cause I don't want to potentially walk into something I don't ever want to see"

"Fine then"

He knocks on the door and draco answers but only pulls the door to.

"Where is she?" I ask

"What do you mean?" He says trying to act innocent

"Molly get your ass out here now" I shout into his dorm

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