Queen Bee x Male Angel Reader

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The time to raise the ante was in order.

(Y/n) had his fair dealings within city limits and towns, but to spread the word on a more ground level was needed. 

A more "suburban" approach was sparked by (Y/n). Perhaps if he was to go from door to door like that of a salesman, maybe he can establish a more profound connection. One that can make them more viable to give the process of redemption a try.

So he hoped.

(Y/n) found himself within what was obviously a more wealthy neighborhood within the Gluttony Ring. With the houses, or mansions in these cases, stood tall and wide. It was clear that those that resided here were big shots/entrepreneurs that lived easy and rich. Thankfully, the attire (Y/n) donned matched the tone this entire place emitted.

As he begun his walk more into this wealthy area, the distant and muffled sounds of what seemed to be a party could be heard faintly. Turning his head to observe the source, (Y/n) saw what he believed to be the spawn of the sounds. Unfortunately, the place was hard to see considering what looked like palm trees surrounded it. Though he was able to view the roof of it. It rose high into the sky, so he knew that the place was huge in it's architecture. 

Washing away the noise from his mind, (Y/n) made his way to the first few houses. 

However, it seems as though no one wanted anything to do with an Angel from Heaven. 

Only a rare select few even bothered opening their doors. Yet most that did immediately closed them the moment they witnessed who it was. 

The closest (Y/n) got to harboring a client was a mature woman who quickly made her intentions known when she teased (Y/n) multiple times by continuously lowering her top to show more and more of herself to him. This of course, frightened (Y/n), which in turn made him flee.

Catching his breath, the next stop was that of what he heard earlier. The house that was having the large party. The music and noises were now much more apparent as he now stood in front of the estate. The palm trees towered over (Y/n) along with the entire mansion itself. Whoever lived here surely was a big deal. (Y/n) couldn't let this opportunity pass by. 

As he walked ever closer to the mansion however, he stopped himself as he was crossing it's bridge that lead to the front doors. 

Should (Y/n) attempt this?

The entire place was clearly occupied with a festival. How would he even know who the owner is? Would he be dragged into their festivities? 

(Y/n): "No matter."

(Y/n) assured himself that this was indeed a good thing. Multiple demons and denizens can make it easier to convince. He was certain that if he can at least convince one, it will be a success. Besides, it wasn't like it was a party with invites only. For as he looked from the bridge at the front door, (Y/n) saw that many were still arriving and simply walking in without a guard or host in sight. 

Smiling, now determined, (Y/n) was about to continue walking when he again stopped himself on the bridge.

(Y/n) recalled his previous encounters, not just in the neighborhood but also in the city. 

Constantly belittled and lashed out at because of his species. He shivers and winces at what he had to endure constantly from this community. 

An Angel was not liked at all in this area, so he shuddered at how a bunch of drunk patrons would react when seeing him. This gave (Y/n) an idea.

Clapping his hands and snapping his fingers three times, a white cloud engulfed (Y/n) and his entire body. After a few seconds, the smoke vanished and it revealed a whole new attire that (Y/n) wore. Wearing now light gray shorts, a white polo and slip ons, (Y/n) looked more approachable and popular. Finishing it off by snapping his fingers once, a light gray cap appeared onto of his head, hiding his hair mostly. 

Hazbin Hotel Girls x Male Angel ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now