Vaggie x Male Angel Reader [OUTDATED]

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After Charlie had let (Y/n) help out, she has never been more excited to be working with a real life Angel! Having one support and assist her has really been a weight off of her shoulders.

Although, one remained skeptical.

Vaggie. Charlie's best friend, and manager of the Happy Hotel.

Vaggie was doubtful and worried that this was all just a plot in Heaven exploiting and stopping Charlie's plan of redeeming demons. Vaggie keeps her distance, making sure her eye is always on (Y/n), so he doesn't try anything that could jeopardize Charlie's dream. 

As Charlie let's (Y/n) introduce himself to the rest of the group, she goes upstairs to eagerly call her mother about the news that an Angel from Heaven came down to help her. (Y/n) nods and immediately feels daggers being glared at him. Turning to face the sensation he feels, he sees Vaggie in the distance watching with serious intent. 

(Y/n) knew of her reluctance and quick judgement about his presence here. He wants her to feel at ease and to know truly that he is here to help, and not anything else. So (Y/n) takes a seat down next to Vaggie, hoping that she will be more open to outside help like Charlie.

Vaggie tenses up the moment (Y/n) takes a seat next to her, never removing her eye off of him.

(Y/n): "I sense a bit of tension from you. Have I offended you in any way, shape or form Vagetha?"

Vaggie: "Don't you dare call me that! You can't fool me. I have my eye on you!"

(Y/n): "I can understand your reticence of working with me, though I must inform and provide you with a reality check, Miss Vaggie."

Vaggie crosses her arms, not wanting to hear anything (Y/n) has to say. This doesn't at all bother (Y/n), so he continues.

(Y/n): "I am from Heaven, see the wings? The cross? No halo though, we discontinued those long ago, but regardless, my Heavenly status insures I will not be any harm to you or Charlie's hotel. I guarantee I have her best interests at heart. Now please, I wish to introduce myself properly, and you are making it very much difficult."

Vaggie still is having none of it, and she still turns her attention away from (Y/n), her arms still crossed, a look of distrust on her face.

(Y/n) senses the feeling of closure that lies within Vaggie, and respects her for it, but he genuinely wanted to get to know Vaggie more. Especially if he was to work closely with the manager of this hotel he was to help transform into something wonderous.

Something about her intrigued (Y/n). Her entire persona and aura seemed like she needed a friend to confide in. Charlie obviously was one, but to (Y/n), he was hoping to expand her inner circle of trust.

(Y/n) tapped his chin with his finger, thinking of a way that Vaggie could feel more at ease, when he thought of a perfect idea. 

Since Vaggie cares so deeply about Charlie and her hotel becoming a dream come true, (Y/n) decided to act and make the hotel a much more suitable place to visit. 

(Y/n): "Actions speak louder than words, so bare with me as I do something to show you that I truly am here on my own regard in helping this place."

(Y/n) snapped his fingers, emitting a little spark of white. Soon the whole room, upstairs, and the whole building was engulfed in a smoke of white. Vaggie started to panic at what was transpiring. The clouds coated the entire room, making visibility a challenge.

(Y/n): "I would suggest you close your eyes for a second."

Vaggie: "What the fuck are you doing?"

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