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Once we make it to my apartment I help the kids out of the back of the car and we lead Jacob inside. The kids immediately run off to their room after taking their shoes off I looking at Jacob sheepishly. "Sorry if it's a mess." He gives me a reassuring smile. "It's fine it's a lot cleaner than our dorm." I give a small smile before heading to the kitchen Jacob following behind me. I start gathering the ingredients for dinner and go to grab the last thing I need only to struggle to grab it since it's on a high shelf. Trying to reach it on my tippy toes I blink when I see Jacob grab it I turning around only to freeze when I realize how close we are our faces inches apart. Swallowing as our eyes lock I feel my heart beating out of my chest as we both start to lean in. Just as our lips are inches apart I hear the kids start arguing making me jerk away and turn around clearing my throat. "Um do you mind going to check on them? I'll get dinner started." He nods and leaves the room I letting out a breath trying to get my heart to slow down before I start focusing on dinner. As I'm getting the finishing touches ready I hear footsteps and turn my head to see Jacob giving him a weak smile. "Everything okay?" He nods. "Yeah Kaden accidentally broke one of Reese's toys but they made up." I give a little nod and start putting the food on plates. "Well dinners ready so go ahead and sit down." I then call for the kids they running into the room and take their seats I smiling and serve everyone before taking a seat across from Jacob we all eating happily. Once we're all finished the kids run off and I go to take up the plates but Jacob beats me to it and starts going over to the sink I frowning. "I can do that. You're the guest you shouldn't be doing dishes." He gives me a reassuring smile. "It's fine you cooked I'll clean." I go to protest again but he just gives me that smile again making me internally melt a little I letting out a sigh. "Fine but I'm drying." He nods and I get up going over to his side grabbing a towel and start drying the dishes putting them away. Once we're finished Jacob's phone dings and he pulls it out frowning. "I should probably head back." I nod and go to see him out only to frown when we open the door to see it storming really bad. I immediately look at him frowning. "You're not driving in that." He frowns and goes to protest but I cut him off. "You're staying here for the night and that's final Jacob. I don't want you driving in this. Now text your members that you'll be staying while I go get you some clothes." He thankfully backs down with a nod and I nod back before heading to my room digging through old clothes of my ex until I find a hoodie and pajama pants. I then walk back out into the living room heading over to Jacob and hand over the clothes. "The bathroom is at the end of the hall. Go ahead and get changed while I get the kids in their pajamas then you can join us for movie night." He smiles and nods heading to the bathroom and I go to tell Kaden to get in his pajamas while I get Reese ready. Once I help Reese into her pajamas she asks curiously. "Is Mr Jacob staying the night?" I nod. "Yeah sweetie it's storming too bad for him to drive." She hums before smiling at me. "I like him. He's nice and makes you smile." I blink and blush a little before clearing my throat. "Go on to the living room with your brother and I'll be right there. I'm gonna get changed then make us some snacks." She nods running off and I go to my room pulling on some shorts and a t shirt before I head to the kitchen starting some popcorn. As it's cooking I poke my head into the living room. "Kaden it's your turn to pick the movie." He cheers as he sits on one of the bean bags we have. "I wanna watch Mulan!" I chuckle softly as Jacob perks up. "That's actually my favorite movie." I smile as him and Kaden start talking about the movie animatedly I chuckling softly and get the two bowls of popcorn ready I walking into the living room and put one bowl in between Kaden and Reese then hand Jacob the second bowl as I take a seat beside him. I then start the movie and we watch silently the kids munching on popcorn as Jacob and I share our own popcorn I blushing whenever our hands touch. Once the movie is over I see the kids fast asleep and smile softly turning the tv off then go to pick up Reese while Jacob immediately gets up getting the sleeping Kaden. "I'll take this little guy to bed while you get her." I quietly thank him and go to put Reese in her bed. Once I'm sure she's tucked in and her nightlight is on I leave the room rubbing my eyes tiredly. Jacob looks at me once he leaves Kaden's room and his expression softens. "You go on to bed I'll take the couch." I immediately frown at that. "No way are you taking that couch it'll destroy your back." He frowns about to ask where he'll sleep when I say tiredly. "You can sleep with me. The beds big enough and you won't feel like death in the morning." He goes to protest but I give him a look. "Jacob please don't argue. I'm tired and we both need sleep. I'd rather you be comfortable than suffer throughout the night on an uncomfortable couch." He sighs and reluctantly agrees I motioning for him to follow me and head to my room. I plug my phone into the charger and give Jacob an extra charger he can plug his phone up with then climb into my usual side and motion for him to lay down as well his cheeks tinting pink but he climbs in and I get comfortable before mumbling tiredly as I fall asleep. "Goodnight Jacob."

Timeless (a Jacob Bae x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now