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By the time practice is over I feel starved and extremely hungry since I didn't have time to eat breakfast. I feel my stomach rumbling a little thankfully no one hearing it when suddenly Jacob comes over to me with a smile. "Hey we were wondering if you'd all join us for dinner tonight." I go to protest when Kaden and Reese run over whining a little saying in unison. "Daddy we're hungry." I frown slightly about to open my mouth when my stomach decides to growl really loudly my face immediately flushing in embarrassment. Jacob gives me a kind smile. "It seems you're all hungry. Come on you can follow us to the restaurant." Again I go to say something to at least decline but the kids immediately speak up excitedly. "Yeah! Come on daddy let's go!" I frown slightly at my kids knowing I won't have enough to cover a full meal for all of us when Jacob offers kindly. "Come on we'll walk you down to your car." I tense slightly not wanting him and the others to see my embarrassment of a car. "Um you don't have to." He smiles down at me. "It's fine let's go." I sigh before reluctantly picking Reese up and settle her on my hip after grabbing the bags and surprisingly Kaden grabs onto Jacob's hand before we head downstairs I feeling anxious. As we head out of the building Jacob looks at me curiously. "Where's your car?" I sigh and reluctantly point it out I seeing surprise flash through his eyes but he thankfully doesn't comment just nods and leads Kaden over to the car I following them with Reese. As we come to a stop at the car I set Reese down and unlock the doors before opening the back door. "Alright guys get in your seats." They quickly climb in and get into the booster seats I looking at Jacob. "So what's the restaurant name?" He smiles telling me I giving a little nod and reluctantly assure him we'll meet him there. He nods heading for the cars they came in I sighing and secure the kids in their seats before putting their things in the trunk before getting in and wait until the vans go before following them. Once we arrive I wince slightly at the pretty fancy look of the restaurant but sigh and get out after parking helping the kids out silently they immediately rushing over to the guys cheerfully I slowly making my way over silently. We're all lead inside and put in a large back room I taking a seat and end up beside Jacob with the kids beside me. As we're given the menu I immediately look through everything wincing slightly at the prices and start biting my lip a little roughly.

(Jacob's Pov)

Once the menu comes I go over what I want then turn my head to look at Kai frowning slightly when I see him go over the menu wincing at each item and starts biting down on his lip roughly. It's then that I realize he probably doesn't have the money to pay and I immediately feel a little guilty. Soon the waiter comes taking our orders the kids ordering from the kids menu and when it comes Kai's turn he bites his lip before saying anxiously. "Um I'll just take a small side salad." Frowning slightly I speak up before I can help myself. "And he'll take an order of chicken too." Kai's eyes widen and he goes to protest but the waiter is already gone then he looks at me annoyed. I just smile down at him. "You're starving and a simple small salad isn't going to fill you up. Don't worry about the price." He frowns before sighing and slumps back against his seat a little. When our food comes we all immediately start eating I noticing Kai and the kids are eating like they haven't had a meal in awhile but are still using their manners. Once we're all finished and the check comes I see Kai becoming anxious so I grab the check from the waiter before he can even reach for it and give the waiter my card. "I'll cover his as well." The waiter nods walking off and Kai just stares at me in complete disbelief and shock but I give him a reassuring smile I noticing his cheeks starting to tint a slight pink. Once I get my card back we all get up and head to the parking lot I walking with Kai and his kids to their little run down car. As we make it to the car Kai ushers the kids into their booster seats before turning to me giving a shy appreciative look. "Thank you for dinner." I smile down at him. "You're welcome. So we're off tomorrow and I was wondering if you maybe wanted to go to the park? The kids could get some exercise and play time and we can talk and hang out." He blushes a little and answers a bit shyly. "Sure I'd like that." I grin and ask for his number so we can talk about meeting up and once I have his number we part ways I heading back to the vans to head to the dorm feeling excited and have butterflies in my stomach.

Timeless (a Jacob Bae x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now