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After teaching the guys for about two hours I stop and get their attention. "Alright guys take a break you guys deserve it." They all thank me and I wave them off heading to the back gently tapping Kaden and Reese on their shoulders they immediately taking off the noise canceling headphones. "Daddy I don't like the headphones." I give Reese a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry sweetie but it's so your ears don't hurt." Suddenly Jacob pops up at my side startling me for a second. "Sorry. But I can ask hyung if we can keep the volume down lower." I shake my head a little. "Oh no I don't want to be a bother." He gives me a reassuring smile. "You won't be. We don't want to cause any trouble for you and we don't have to listen to the music at top volume anyways." I give him a small appreciative smile. "Well thank you. If you could ask that'd be great but if it'll be to much of an issue don't worry about it." He just smiles at me I feeling my heart flutter a little but ignore it watching him excuse himself to to talk to their leader who's name I learn is Sangyeon. I then turn my head back to the kids they giving each other sneaky smiles I immediately raising an eyebrow at them. "What are you two planning?" They both smile at me innocently saying in unison. "Nothing daddy!" I feel wariness but decide to trust them. "Alright I trust you two." Soon Jacob pops back up he giving me a kind smile. "Hyung says we'll be sure to lower the music volume so it won't hurt the kids ears." I immediately feel thankful and glad that the kids won't have to keep wearing the headphones. "Thank you." I then look over at Sangyeon and smile bowing in thanks at him he giving me a kind smile. I then look down at my kids. "Alright we're going to go back to practice but you don't have to wear your headphones this time." They immediately cheer happily making Jacob chuckle at them I trying to calm them down. "Alright guys but you'll still have to be quiet." They pout but nod in understanding I smiling and lean down kissing their heads then follow Jacob back to the front of the room and continue the practice. Again we practice for a few hours until it starts getting late I waiting until the boys finish the last few moves until I give them all a smile. "Alright that's great guys we'll call it a day." They all smile at me and bow in appreciation I waving them off with a smile before I head over to my kids they immediately getting to their feet and rush over to me. "Can we go home now?" I nod smiling softly and gently pet Kaden's hair. "Yeah we can go home now bud. Get your things put up and we'll go." They both give cheerful "okay's" before running to put everything away. I smile then look curious when Jacob heads over I tilting my head. "Do you need anything?" He shakes his head giving me a bright smile. "We were wondering if you and the kids wanted to join us for dinner." I blink in surprise then shift a little uncomfortably knowing I don't have much money. "I'd like that but I don't want to intrude and I'm sure the kids probably want to go straight home." His expression turns disappointed and I immediately feel bad. "Oh okay. Maybe some other time." I give a small awkward smile giving a non-committed "maybe" before turning to my kids they rushing over and hand me their bags of toys and stuff. I smile adjusting it on my shoulders before taking their hands. "Say goodbye to mr Jacob and the others." They smile up at Jacob wishing him a cheerful goodbye before turning to the other members and give polite bows wishing them goodbye as well I then leading them out of the room and downstairs to our car where I help them in and we head home.

Timeless (a Jacob Bae x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now