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(Kai's Pov)

The next day I quickly get the kids ready for a day at the amusement park they both really excited and hyper despite it being early. Once we're all dressed and I have some bags packed for the kids we wait outside for Jacob and the others I holding onto the kids hands they bouncing in excitement. Soon two vans pull up Sangyeon driving one and Jacob driving the other one I seeing them both park and Jacob gets out heading over to us the kids immediately running over to him and attack his legs with hugs I smiling softly. He smiles down at them saying cheerfully. "Hey guys are you ready to go to the amusement park?" They both nod looking excited and say in unison. "Yeah!" I smile and make my way over the kids giving each other looks before they run off to talk with some of the guys that are standing outside the van. After making sure they're being watched by Kevin, Eric and Younghoon I turn to Jacob with a shy smile. "Hi. I really appreciate you guys letting us tag along." He smiles down at me reassuringly. "It's no problem. And tonight we can go on a private date I got the guys in my dorm to agree to watch the kids." I tilt my head slightly. "Who all is in your dorm?" He tells me that it consists of Eric, Younghoon, Kevin, Changmin and Chanhee. "And I told Changmin to put away all his scary stuff like his dolls and stuff." I give a little nod feeling a bit of anxiety. "Alright. Where are we going tonight?" He smiles down at me his eyes shining. "It's a surprise." I pout a little but he just smiles at me. "We better get going. There's room in the van I'm driving and we left room for the kids booster seats to be put in. Here let me put the bags in the trunk." I blink in surprise then smile. "Alright let me go get the seats and I'll put them in the van." I quickly hand Jacob the bags then head over to my car and undo the two seats then I carry them over to the van I getting them secured and fastened in the very back. Once I make sure they're secure I call the kids over and help them into the seats then I take the last seat available in the back by the window. Jacob gets in the drivers seat and we start heading for the amusement park the kids babbling in excitement. Once we arrive we all get out I helping the kids then Sangyeon has us each pair off Jacob immediately heading over to me and the kids. Once we enter the park we all part ways the kids grabbing mine and Jacob's hands dragging us to some little rides like the pirate ship and other child friendly rides. We then approach a ride where the kids can ride by themselves I saying a little sternly. "Kaden look after your sister and keep ahold of her hand at all times please." He nods giving me a little determined look. "Okay daddy." I smile and watch as they go to get in line I letting out a little sigh. "They're getting so big. Reese will be turning five in just two months." I feel Jacob gently take my hand holding it and gives it a little squeeze. "Well you should be proud of yourself for raising them and having them turn out the way they did. But now you don't have to raise them by yourself." I look up at him and he gives me a smile I giving a small one back. "Are you sure you want us in your life?" He gives a firm nod. "Yes I'm definitely sure." My lips twitch up into a slightly bigger smile and I lean up kissing his cheek before pulling away completely when I see the kids run over. "That was so cool!" I smile softly and grab onto their hands letting them drag me off babbling about the ride while Jacob follows behind us with his face a little red. I smile and we continue to go around the park the kids riding some of the rides until it's time to go I seeing that the kids are becoming exhausted. I smile softly and pick up Reese while Jacob grabs Kaden we heading to the front to meet the others. The guys expressions immediately soften when they see the kids we heading back to the vans and I put the kids in their seats before getting in myself. Jacob drives us to his dorm where I get the kids out and reluctantly hand Reese over to Kevin while Eric takes Kaden I handing Younghoon and Changmin their bags. I bite my lip a little as the guys take them inside but Jacob gently pulls me into his side saying reassuringly. "They'll be fine I promise." I give a little nod and look up at him. "Alright let's go on our date." He smiles and leads me back over to the van I getting in the passenger seat this time and buckle up before Jacob starts driving off.

Timeless (a Jacob Bae x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now