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(Kai's Pov)

"Daddy!" I quickly turn around immediately feeling relieved when I see my kids safe I quickly kneeling down and pulling them into a tight hug watching out of the corner of my eye as the guy I was arguing with leaves angrily. "Thank goodness you're both okay. Where were you?" Reese immediately gives an apologetic look. "Sorry daddy I had to potty." My expression softens a little and I quickly say reassuringly. "It's alright sweetie." Suddenly noticing a guy who I guess is an idol standing off to the side I give him a curious confused look he quickly speaking up. "I found them wandering around trying to find the bathroom and wanted to make sure they got back safely." I nod standing up and give a respectful bow. "Thank you for looking after them." He gives me a bright smile. "It's no problem." I give a tiny smile back then watch as someone calls for him. "Jacob come on we'll be on soon!" He turns his attention back to me and I give a reassuring smile. "Go ahead and go so you can perform. And thank you again for helping my babies out." Kaden immediately speaks up smiling. "Yeah thanks mr Jacob." I start to lead the two children away Reese waving goodbye. "Bye mr Jacob!" I quickly scoop Reese up into my arms while holding onto Kaden's hand leading them out of the building and into our old car then start heading home to our little apartment. Once we arrive home I see how tired the two children are so I go and tuck them into their room singing them a little lullaby until they fall asleep I quietly leaving the room and head into the living room where I take a seat and start going through my emails and messages seeing I got a new job offer to help out a group with their choreography I immediately accepting the offer. Once everything is set I head to my small bathroom and take a quick shower before changing into comfortable clothes and head to bed.

Timeless (a Jacob Bae x male reader story) Where stories live. Discover now