Spring was blooming

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𓆩♡𓆪 𝐹𝒶𝓃𝓉𝒶𝓈𝓎 𝒾𝓈 𝒶 𝓃𝑒𝒸𝑒𝓈𝓈𝒶𝓇𝓎 𝒾𝓃𝑔𝓇𝑒𝒹𝒾𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝒾𝓃 𝓁𝒾𝓋𝒾𝓃𝑔 𓆩♡𓆪

- 𝘋𝘳 𝘚𝘦𝘶𝘴𝘴 -


𝐀𝐒 everyone was heading towards Aslan's camp, you could see spring slowly piercing back through the snow. The trees were fuller, the flowers were standing taller, the grass was greener and the air smelt of lavender. Y/n couldn't help but smile at the sight of all this, Narnia was finally coming back. 

"Aslan will be proud of ya, Princess" Mr Beaver said while grabbing Y/n's  hand. Y/n just smiled and squeezed his paw.

They all walked in a line towards the camp. Y/n on the far left, Peter next, then Susan, then Lucy, then the two beavers. As they walked through the camp. Chatter started to scatter through all the animals. They all stood in shock as they watched the heirs walk towards Aslans tent.

"Why are they staring at us?" Susan asked nervously

"Maybe they think you look funny" Lucy replied smiling. We all laughed.

"Welcome back Princess" Oreius bowed as everyone got to the front of the camp. Y/n nodded and bowed back, she stood up on the stage next to Oreius.

"These are the heirs. Peter, Susan and Lucy. And the trusted Beavers who made it possible for us to get here." The beavers bowed and stood proudly.

Peter drew his sword from its case and pointed it towards Oreius.

"We have come to see Aslan." Y/n laughed to herself. Peter trying to be so serious was funny. Oreius didn't say anything he just took a step back and looked towards Aslans tent. He did love a grand entrance. Then within seconds all the creature's started to bow down including Oreius so Y/n did the same. Peter, Susan and Lucy all looked around in confusion.

Aslan then stepped out the tent. He walked with pride and power. Y/n saw the look on each of the kids faces. Peters face was full of shock and admiration, Susan's was surprise and disbelief and Lucy's was excitement and happiness. This put a smile on Y/n's face. It made her happy that she was able to share all this wonderful beauty around her with others.

"Welcome Peter, son of Adam, Susan and Lucy daughters of Eve. But where is the other?" Y/n looked at Peter and his face dropped.

"That's why were here sir. Our brother hes been captured by the Witch Witch" Aslan gave a confused look.

"How did this happen?" Aslan asked. Looking at Y/n, she was about to say something when Susan interrupted.

"You see, our brothers he-" Susan couldn't bring herself to finish the sentence.

"He betrayed them, your majesty" Mr Beaver finished the sentence for her and gave Y/n a saddened look but she tried to give him a reassuring smile.

"Then he has betrayed all of us!" Oreius shouted.

"Oreius!" Y/n shouted and his head snapped round to look at me.

"Peace Oreius" Aslan instructed

"It's my fault really.I was too hard on him." Peter bowed his head in shame and Susan put a hand on his shoulder. 

"We all were." She gave Peter a reassuring smile and he returned a smile but Y/n could see the pain in his eyes.

"Sir, he's our brother." Lucy pleaded. Y/n wanted to go and comfort them but she didn't know how. She looked to Aslan and he stepped towards Lucy.

"I know dear and that makes the betrayal all the worse. It made be harder than you think." Aslan was always honest. Maybe too honest sometimes. Peter and Y/n's eyes met and it felt like that moment could last forever. The moment was broken by Aslan.

"Y/n please escort the heirs to their tents so they can get prepared." Y/n nodded and bowed as Aslan turned back around entering his tent. The crowd broke into chatter and everyone returned to what they were doing. Oreius stood beside Y/n.

"Do you really think we can trust them, your highness?" Y/n looked at the siblings and sighed.

"I know we can. Make sure everyone is carrying on with their training and I will get the Pevensies settled in." Y/n ordered, Oreius nodded and bowed as he walked away. Y/n looked towards Aslan's tent and took a deep breath, she stepped off the stage in front of the siblings.

"Ready to see your tents, your royal majesties." Peter smiled and motioned Y/n to lead the way. Y/n and the Pevensies walked through the forest towards the lake where her tent was. They'd be staying in her tent for the mean time.

"It is beautiful." Susan said in awe of her surroundings. 

"Spring was always my favourite time of the year, the blossoms, the bright colours, the beautiful smells. This place is all I've ever known, it's hard to imagine me anywhere else." Y/n looked around at the trees whistling in the wind and the flowers blooming beneath her feet. 

"It's your home." Peter added. Y/n looked at him and smiled.

"It is. What about the place you guys are from, Finchley right? What's it like?" The pevensies fell silent and Y/n regretted asking the question.

"It was beautiful-" Susan broke the silence. "But there's also a war going on at home and it destroyed our home." Lucy intervened.

"But now were staying in this beautiful house! That's how I found the wardrobe!" Lucy exclaimed. Y/n smiled and so did the others. 

"Here we are. Welcome to my humble abode." They all stepped inside and admired the decor around them. Y/n looked at the siblings for a moment. She was terrified for this war but she trusted Aslan and most of all the Pevensies. She was scared but she was ready. 

The White Witch doesn't stand a chance.

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