The Velocireaper

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The Velocireaper decided that this year would be exciting.

On Halloween night she arrived at a little town next to a forest to harvest the souls of trick-or-treaters. And their little meaty bodies.

She loved towns next to forests, which provided shadowy cover that was so much fun to leap out of. It was perfectly alright to tear up little children who saw her, it's not like that made them taste any different, but she always enjoyed a good game of surprise.

She practiced her stealth attacks and kept score of her success rate. Last year she surprised half her snacks. But she killed all of them, so it's not like any failure was involved. It's just fun to give yourself a challenge.

The Velocireaper liked to tear them open before they had a chance to scream. Her claws were wonderful for tearing. She could tear up little children so fast. The half-deads can't make much sound, so she counted those as successes. They all taste the same anyway. It doesn't matter if she kills them first, because they all end up dead and in her stomach anyway. She had always wanted to try swallowing a live one whole, just for variety, but she'd never found one small enough.

But she was starting to get bored with life. Maybe she should change things up and make them scream this time. Yes, that would be exciting. Then she would have an audience for her ambushes. The perfect ambush is in itself a rewarding experience, but success means that no one knows what a great job you did.

She was excited for her new plan. She would leap out and make them scream, then tear them open and eat them. Or she could be adventurous and skip tearing them up and just eat them. There were options.

The Velocireaper was starting to get hungry, and she was excited for all those juicy little bodies. She'd eat the souls too, since one must eat their healthy foods with their treats. But the little tasties she looked forward to the most were the children's meaty little carcasses. Those were the best.

Finally she found the perfect little meaty. It would be so surprised. She made the most glorious leap from the shadows, struck a terrifying pose, and screeched at it.

The little meaty jumped into the air, dropped what it was holding, and made its own little screechy sounds. So cute. This really was fun. She showed all her lovely teeth and beautiful claws as she drew closer. The child made another screech and fell onto the ground in terror, which is the truest compliment to an artist such as herself.

Then the little meaty held up something. It took a bite out of the thing. Was it edible? Was it delicious?

The Velocireaper took it out of his hand and ate it. It was tasty. She loved tasty things. She ate children all the time, but this was an altogether new experience. An exciting experience.

She screeched until it gave her another treat. And another. Whole handfuls of tasties. Her little meaty screeched and summoned its pack.

All of them held out treats for her to snack upon. They petted her. They snuggled her. They loved her.

This was the most fun Halloween she had had in ages. She was really enjoying the cute little meaties. Who knew they could be so much fun as living things?

Between her solitary career and the fact that she was immortal, the Velocireaper had grown lonely. She just hadn't realized it until this moment. It was nice to have a little family.

She spent a delightful evening in the company of her pack of meaties, with their tasty treats and cute but incomprehensible sounds. But soon she would leave, and the next day she would travel to a different dimension for a different Halloween. But the night was fun while it lasted.

All that delicious candy and the kind children had taught her a valuable lesson. One she would take with her to all future adventures.

Raptors need protein.

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