The Paperboy

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Jack has a job to do. Jack has a job to do every day. It is a nice job. Jack likes his job. Jack delivers newspapers to all the people. Jack likes seeing people. People like seeing Jack. It is good to be Jack.

Jack takes his six papers and visits the bakery. Jack likes the bakery. The baker always gives Jack a cinnamon roll. Jack likes cinnamon rolls. Jack gives the baker a paper and eats the cinnamon roll. The baker is nice.

Jack takes his five papers and visits the store. Jack likes the store. The shopkeeper always gives Jack a piece of candy. Jack likes candy. Jack gives the shopkeeper a paper and eats the candy. The shopkeeper is nice.

Jack takes his four papers and visits the Cafe. Jack likes the cafe. The coffee lady always gives Jack a glass of milk. Jack likes milk. Jack gives the coffee lady a paper and drinks the milk. The coffee lady is nice.

Jack takes his three papers and visits the doctor. The doctor's office makes Jack sad. It is a building and not a forest. Not anymore. It is not the doctor's fault. Jack gives the doctor a paper. The doctor is kind of nice.

Jack takes his two papers and visits the logger. Jack does not like the logger. The logger is mean toJack. He killed all the trees Jack liked. He made the animals sad. Jack does not go inside. Jack drops the paper near the door and runs away. The logger is not nice.

Jack wants to play in the forest. Jack does not play in the forest. The forest is gone now. Jack misses the forest. Jack misses the animals. They are gone too. Jack plays in the street instead. Jack has fun.

Jack takes his one Monday paper and goes home. Jack saves the paper for the weekend. Jack likes to save all his papers for the weekend.

It is good to be Jack.

Jack takes his six papers from the post office. Jack delivers his papers. Most deliveries are like most days.

When Jack goes to the logger's house it is different. The door is open, and it smells like blood. Jack thinks blood smells interesting. Jack does not expect a house to smell like blood. The logger is a bear now. The logger gives Jack a slice of bread. The logger is nice.

Jack takes his one Tuesday paper home and saves it for the weekend.

Jack takes his six papers from the post office. Jack delivers his papers. Most deliveries are like most days.

When Jack goes to the doctor's office it is different. Outside makes Jack happy. Jack sees lots of plants now. One of the plants has blood on it. Jack wonders if blood waters plants. The doctor is a fox now. The doctor gives Jack an apple. The doctor is nice.

The logger is nice again. The logger is a bear again.

Jack takes his one Wednesday paper home and saves it for the weekend.

Jack takes his six papers from the post office. Jack delivers his papers. Most deliveries are like most days.

When Jack goes to the cafe is is different. It smells like coffee and also blood. Jack is not sure blood coffee tastes good. Jack does not know much about coffee. Jack does not think it has fingers. The coffee lady is a deer now. She is eating a finger. The coffee lady gives Jack a carton of milk. The coffee lady is nice.

The doctor fox and logger bear are also nice.

Jack takes his one Thursday paper home and saves it for the weekend.

Jack takes his six papers from the post office. Jack delivers his papers. Most deliveries are like most days.

When Jack goes to the store it is different. An ear is on the shelf. Jack does not think it is a greeting card. Jack would not feel happy to get one. The shopkeeper is a boar now. His mouth is red. The shopkeeper dumps a box of candy on the ground. The shopkeeper gives Jack half and eats half. It is a lot of pieces of candy. Jack is happy. The shopkeeper is nice.

The coffee deer, doctor fox, and logger bear are also nice.

Jack takes his one Friday paper home and saves it for the weekend.

Jack takes his six papers from the post office. Jack delivers his papers. Most deliveries are like most days.

When Jack goes to the bakery it is different. The bakery smells like meat. Jack likes meat. Jack did not know the bakery had meat. The baker is a raccoon now. Jack thinks she looked better as a human. Jack loves her anyway. The baker gives Jack all of the cinnamon rolls. The baker is nice.

The shop boar, coffee deer, doctor fox, and logger bear are also nice.

Jack takes his one Saturday paper home and saves it for Sunday.

Jack takes his six papers from the post office. Jack delivers his papers. All the deliveries are like all the days. Everyone is nice now. Everyone is different now. Jack wonders why everyone is different. Jack did not change. Jack is happy being Jack.

Jack takes his one Sunday paper home. Jack has all his papers now.

Jack tears up all his papers. Jack eats all his papers.

It is good to be Jack.

Jack is a happy dog.

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