Information before you start reading

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I just want you to noticed some information about my story

*Quotation mark

Name =  Talking

Name '     '= Thinking or talking in it mind

"   "= Air quotas or taking in phone.

(   )= Action

whole Headline= shouting or serious, or narrator

Name with headline: voice change

*Line of symbiotes character

There are some character line that has 2 names together, like (Y/N)/Carnage & Eddie/Venom.

If the lines is(Y/N)/Carnage, most of the time, Carnage gives him control of Symbiot's character unlike Venom, but if written in Carnage while Y/N transforming in to Carnage, It shows Carnage taking back his character and talking.


1. Main story in reality

2. Related to past story of Y/N

3. Final chapter across the multiverse 


I'm terrible at Grammar, so please understand my mistakes 

*My writing schedule

I'm a pretty busy person, so I can't write my story everyday..sorry...

*This is also part of fan-fiction

I am a fan of HunHuynh406, and I wrote this story impressed by his story. There are some similar settings like his original story, but it has different story. So please read this as a story on another universe and understand it generously.

And thank you to give me a chance to write your fanfic, HunHuynh406 😊😊😊😊

The original story belong to HunHuynh406

Please also read his story if you got interested.

Please also read his story if you got interested

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SPIDER-VERSE: LET THERE BE CARNAGEWhere stories live. Discover now