Chapter 10: Y/N ❤️ Hoshino Ai

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Today is the Christmas Eve! Christmas Eve is the evening or entire day before , the festival commemorating of . Christmas Day is , and Christmas Eve is widely observed as a full or partial holiday in anticipation of Christmas Day. Together, both days are considered one of the most culturally significant celebrations in and Western society.

Of course, Y/N and his family are celebrating the Christmas Eve.

Y/N: There, perfect!

Ruby: Papa, it's so beautify! 

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Ruby: Papa, it's so beautify! 

Y/N: Glad that you like it, my doughtier~

Ai: Why, Aqua? Why can't we play this music?!?

Aqua: Because that music is too old! That musics are only for old hags!

Ai: W-what?! Olg hag?!? How could you say something like that to your mom!

Y/N: Ha~ Ok, what's going on here?

Ai: Well Y/N, I was just trying to play some music on radio, but Aqua said this ls music is only for old hags!

Ruby: What?! Oni-chan! How could say something like that to our mama!?

Aqua: That's not what I mean! I'm just saying this music is too old for us.

Y/N: (Sign) What music is it?

Ai: It's "All I Want for Christmas Is You"

Ruby: What?

Y/N: Oh what a classic!

Ruby: Aqua, what do you have problem with this music?

Aqua: Well..It's not like a don't hate it, but I think people almost listen the old Christmas music these days..

Y/N: Well my son.. There are no good Christmas music these days, but old musics are feels like more traditional and more Christmas mood.

Aqua: Um.... Ok, hit it, mom..

Ai: What's about time!

(Then she play the music CD on radio)

Ai: I Love this music!

Y/N: So do I.

Ruby: Me yoo!

Aqua: Well... It's fine.. I guess...

Y/N: Ok folks, let's get dress and start the party!

Ai & Aqua & Ruby: Yeah!!!!


Y/N: (He looking at the mirror) 'Hmmm  Carnage, what do you think of this outfit?'

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