Chapter 3: Carnage vs Sinister Six

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Doc ock: And we're not the only ones you spiders have to fight against.

Suddenly the group of criminals appears behind the sinister six. It was supper-criminals who are jailed to RAFT by Spider-Team. 

One of Super-criminal: This is your end, Spiders!

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One of Super-criminal: This is your end, Spiders!

Peter. B: Humana  humana humana..

Dok ock: Scorpion, will you do the honor?

Scorpion: It will be my pleasure, Dok.

Then Scorpion pointed his poison tail to Miles.

Then Scorpion pointed his poison tail to Miles

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Spider Gwen: No!


Peni: Huh?

Vulture: What?

Peter. B: What is that sound?

Electro: Who is making that sound?!

In the shadow Y/N as Bloody Reaper appears.

In the shadow Y/N as Bloody Reaper appears

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SPIDER-VERSE: LET THERE BE CARNAGEWhere stories live. Discover now