Chapter 5: Happiest Family

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*Next day, after Y/N killed Hammerhead, at his home

It was 8:00 am. Y/N usually gets up at this time.

Y/N: Yow.. I think I ate too much pizza at night...

Y/N already know that he ate too many pizza. He usually eat 3-4 pieces, but he ate more to gave energy to Carnage, since they're one when Carnage symbiotic on Y/N.

???: Y/N... What's wrong, my sweet darling?

When he turn back, his wife also wake up next to him.

Ai Hoshino: The perfect and ultimate idol & wife of Y/N

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Ai Hoshino: The perfect and ultimate idol & wife of Y/N

That's right, folks! His wife is Ai Hoshino, the most famous idol in the whole world. They get married 6 years ago after they dating each other for 1 year. Most importantly, they have a lovely twin between them. Only few people who can they truly just them now about this information. 

Ai: Y/N, are you really OK?

Y/N: (Smiles) Yes, my darling~❤️ Y/m truly fine.

Ai: Fufu, OK. And good morning, honey~❤️

Then she have him a very deep kiss even at the during morning. 

Y/N: (After they finish kiss) Good morning, my shiny star~❤️ How was the lat night~?

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Y/N: (After they finish kiss) Good morning, my shiny star~❤️ How was the lat night~?

Ai: It was amazing, my husband~❤️

Yes, audience. They had a sex last night.

Then someone kicked the door of the bedroom

???(Boy): Mom, dad! Stop kissing each other and give us a breakfast!

???(Girl): It's good as a daughter that you love each other, but you can't be like a newlywed couple forever. And give us love, too!

 And give us love, too!

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