chapter 20: summertime sadness

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3 weeks after the ghostface attack:

Pov Tara:

It's 11pm.

I'm in my room, sitting by the window, looking up at the stars. Amber is lying on my bed, half asleep.
we've stayed together since 3 weeks now. I stay with her constantly, we sleep together every night at my place because she doesn't feel like going back home after everything that happened there.
I'm doing everything I can to help her forget everything that's happened, even though I know it's going to be complicated.
She's changed a lot, which makes sense, she hardly talks anymore, she can't be alone, which is why I'm constantly with her.

We don't really talk about what happened, I know that in addition to being perhaps traumatized by what she had to do to save herself and us, she's very hurt that the ghostfaces were Liv and Richie. Amber and Liv had become very good friends, very close, they told each other everything... And she blames herself for meeting Richie and bringing him to Woodsboro. I think Richie was just a pedophile, a psychopath who deserved to die.

I don't want to defend Liv, but I'm sure she didn't have a bad heart and Richie literally groomed her and totally incited her to do all that. I don't understand how those two met.

"Tara?" Amber asks me.

I turn and look at her.

"What are you doing?" She says
"Nothing, just thinking" I say
"Thinking about what?" She says as she gets up and comes to my side.

I kiss her.

It's been three weeks since she and I have done anything physical, and it's normal with everything that's happened she doesn't think about it at all but it's true that I miss her.

She sits by the window with me. Her face is lit up by the light outside, her beautiful almond-shaped eyes, her lovely smile... How could anyone have wanted to hurt her...? Maybe it's time to talk.

"Talk to me Amber" I say.
"What do you want me to say Tara..?" She says
"I have nightmares absolutely every time I sleep, all I do is see Liv's face burning in front of me or Richie's face with his throat bleeding." She says
"I know..." I say

i take her hands.

"I know I had to do it...! I didn't have a choice: it was either them or us, and the choice was quickly made" She says... "but I can't understand why those two did this to us... really. Richie was a crazy pedophile, that doesn't surprise me, but Liv... She had no reason to do it. Richie had talked to me several times about remaking the Stab film himself, but I never took him seriously... Tara, this is all my fault, I should never have talked to him or made him come..." She says
"Amber... it's not your fault" I say

I kiss her. She puts her hands on my cheeks and pulls me towards her to prolong the kiss.

"I'm sorry if I'm not good enough for you" Amber says
"shut up you're my baby" I say, kissing her back.

I get up, pulling her with me to my bed.

little smut🍤

I lie down on the bed and pull her on top of me. We kiss and she starts kissing my neck. She pulls off my shirt and kisses my chest. I'd missed feeling her on top of me, feeling her kissing parts of my body other than my cheek and mouth.

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