Chapter 29: oh shit here we go again

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mikey is alive so im alive too <3


While Amber is getting ready to go to Anika's, something happens in a small alley in NY...

Laura Crane, a film professor in University, and Mindy and Tara's teacher, is waiting in a bar for her Tinder date of the day. Time goes by and she still hasn't heard from him, until she receives a message from him telling her that he's on his way and may have taken a wrong turn, so he asks for her help by calling her on the phone.

Laura decides to wait outside for him, pointing out that she's wearing a yellow dress and that he'll be able to see her from a distance. She takes the opportunity to describe the front of the restaurant and the street around it. Her date tells her he thinks he'll see her at the end of an alleyway, so she walks through this dark, gloomy alleyway, with no light at all, sees a silhouette at the end and asks if it's him, to which he replies no. She asks him if he sees anything. She asks him if he sees red, which represents the front of the restaurant, but gets no answer. She hears him breathing quicken, as if he were running.

"Reggie?!" She asks
"I think someone's following me ... With a fucking knife..." He says panicked and his voice shaking a bit

She turns and hurries back to the restaurant, but Reggie shouts "Laura" on the phone, and she turns around. A disguised person behind her. Ghostface.

She's stabbed several times, tries to scream but no sound comes out of her mouth.

"This time, I see red" Ghostface says.

Laura falls against the wall, to the floor, lying in blood.

The mask falls, Jason Carvey, one of Tara and Mindy's classmates. But why would he do this? For what reason? Why wear the mask?

He throws his mask and costume into the garbage can next door and takes off running down the other side of the alley, coming face to face with Tara, Mindy, Chad and few other persons.

"Heyyy Jason, are you coming to Anika's?" Mindy asks as she continues forward and turns around.

"Sure thing! See you after!" Jason says, smiling and heading off on his own in the direction of home.

Arriving home, proud of the first crime he's just committed, he sits down on his couch before receiving a phone call.

"Hello?" Jason says.
"Why did you do this without consulting me?" The caller asks
"Greg?" Jason asks

Greg is Jason's roommate and boyfriend.

"Why did you kill her without talking to me first, we were supposed to do it together" The person says.
"Do you know what a fucking grade that bitch gave me? It was the right time to do it" Jason says
"Bad idea" The other one says
"Now where are you? And we said we wouldn't use the voice modifier on each other" Jason says, getting up.
"I'm in the apartment" He says

Jason gets up and goes into the bedroom, nobody's there.

"That's not funny where are you?!"Jason asks
"You're getting cold going into the bedroom" He says

Jason heads for the kitchen

"You're heating now" He says

He returns to the living room

"You're getting cold"

Jason returns to the kitchen

"Boiling hot"

Jason turns and looks at the fridge, reaches in and opens it. Greg's body cut to pieces, he drops his phone before being brutally turned around by someone disguised as a ghostface and stabbed in the stomach.

I always knew (TAMBER, Tara x Amber)Where stories live. Discover now