Uncle thomas' Birthday

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A/N: so i'll finish it on this part

The next day

Uncle Thomas POV:

"So how is Y/n doing?" I said sipping coffee i saw how they frozed of the name being mentioned.

"it's just that.. we have been struggling to find ideas on how we could get Y/n out of his comfort space" Victoria said i hum in response and turned to the father.

"So we thought we could use this opportunity for Y/n to experience what it's like to be outside" Pierre said with his thick french accent still in display.

Looking outside the window i see Y/n sitting beside a tree with Aya who is playing with Nellie "He seems fine about being outside" i said nonchalantly the parents looks to where i'm facing my head at and sees Y/n and Aya the couple muttered something i couldn't quite catch.

"He just doesn't have someone to speak to.. like a best friend" Victoria said breaking the silence "i see" i look at her the parents looking down at their feet.


I'm sitting beside a tree having a sketchbook in my lap bringing it up closer to me to sketch my little sister while shes playing but i just couldn't since she wouldn't stop moving, then something in the corner of my eye catches my attention my parents and uncle talking.

I paid no attention to them so i just look at my sketchbook wondering what i'm gonna sketch since my sister can't stop moving until someone calls out my name i look up to my sister smiling brightly

"come play with me and Nellie Y/n!!!" She laughs while being chased by Nellie i smile then decided to play with them for a little while i mean.. it wouldn't hurt.. right??

My thoughts were broken when i saw them going to the street i looked at the right side of the street and saw an incoming car i hastily get up and ran after them i pulled Aya by her waist and grabbed Nellie by her waist aswell

I pulled them both and they were alright i sighed and i felt something wiggled on my right hand and saw my dog Nellie trying to get out of my grasp i slowly let her go and came to lick my face i laugh at her then i saw Aya laughing at me too.

I guess it was atleast nice to get out of my comfort space.. i did save my sister and my Dog then i heard fast footsteps from behind

"Oh my God are you two ok?!?" My mom said stuttering and examining us to see if we were injured but was left to sigh in relief seeing there were no injuries.

Dad was just laughing at us but still was a little freaked out of that little accident so they helped us get to the house and offered food.

We were already in bed "Make sure to get plenty of sleep tomorrow is Uncle's Birthday" Our dad said from the door, yes i am sleeping with my sister in the same room "Goodnight dad" we both said Aya yawning "Goodnight" Dad said before closing the door then left to go to sleep.

You thought i was done?


Birds chirping can be heard outside, wind is cold *i'm shivering* i feel my bed dip beside me so i slowly open my eyes adjusting my eyes at the sunlight to see my brother waking me up.

"Good morning sleeping beauty" He smirked at my morning face i picked up a pillow and playfully hit him hoping to get him away from me but i only made him budge a little i groan "Get away from me i want more sleep"

"Today is Uncle's Birthday come on get up" he said in his a matter of a fact tone "I know alright" i said grumpily getting up from my bed to do mg morning routine.

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