《What the hell?》

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I found myself on top of a rooftop with a duffel bag. I noticed some strange commercials and turned around to see another Spiderman wearing a different suit than mine. As he swung by, I realized I must be on a different Earth. I decided to cover my face to avoid any confusion since someone else could have my appearance.

After buying a mask at a nearby shop, I headed towards a school. To my relief, it was the same school I attended, just in a different dimension. I was able to blend in with other students wearing the same uniform.

I went in with my duffel bag after the entrance exam and looked around it was still the same as mine but different. I was so focused on looking around that I didn't realise I had bumped into someone.

"Oh I'm so sorry" while grabbing the books that had fallen out of her grasp "It's alright"

I stopped as I recognized that voice I looked up and it was indeed


But different she had a pierced eyebrow but was still beautiful as ever she looked at me and smiled with the same gap between her front teeth I almost teared up at the sight of her but I knew I had to compose myself as I was a stranger to her. I let out a shaky breath before standing with her I handed her the books and went on with my walk to my dorm.

I leaned onto the door as I closed it feeling the tears brim my eyes. "God, I missed you Gwen" I sniffed, I put the duffel bag on the floor and sat on the bottom bunk.

"I need some air" I got up and went to the door, my senses tingled differently which got me hit by the nose, someone on the other side opened the door fully as I grabbed my nose. "OH GOD, sorry bro" A boy who looked a bit younger than me opened the door

"Nah, it's fine I don't think It's broken" By now it should be healing "Hola, I'm Miles Morales" he held his hand out for me to take which I took and stood up "Hola, mi nombre es Y/N L/N" I spoke, his eyes widen "You can speak Spanish?!" He acted surprised and threw his bag at the top bunk and held my shoulders "Yeah, I'm multilingual" I positioned my nose back which earned a look of disgust from him but gradually faded. "Why are you wearing a mask?" He asks suddenly "It's uh personal" I stuttered he nodded and went to place some of his stuff

I opened the door and greeted Ms Calleros it's a bit weird seeing her with short hair and glasses. But ultimately took a seat at the back to avoid people at the front "Pst," I then heard someone at the front and saw Gwen "Hey?" I waved awkwardly mentally palming myself "Do I know you from somewhere?" She asked, I avoided her gaze and said a quiet no and then she turned around "Goddamit" I murmured, why am I so nervous around her she's Gwen for God's sake.

The lesson started and I mostly paid attention since it was about Quantum Theory and also because the woman with bad hair felt familiar yet I couldn't point my finger at it. Half of the lesson passed and there Miles entered. I mostly tune it out since Miles being Miles I could tell he told a witty remark or something. Gwen laughed which made me focus a little

"Sorry it's just so quiet" I chuckled a little but stopped to avoid attention. At least that didn't change, I snapped my eyes at Miles sitting next to her and saw them exchange a few glances and talk here and there but stopped when Ms Calleros cleared her throat but it didn't go unnoticed by me when they exchanged a glance with each other

"Wait you purposely got 0?" I told the boy who was sitting at his desk with a paper and pen. "Yeah" he sighed crumbling another paper. Miles has been a little annoyed with the paperwork while I read a book

"Where you going?" I asked as he unsubtly sneaked out "I thought you slept" he leaned on the door frame "Well, I'm not" I closed the book that he gave me to 'satisfy myself' "Ok, I'm sneaking out to go see Uncle" he admitted "Make sure to close the door" was the only thing I said after placing the book on the desk and turning off the lamp "You're awesome, man" and he closes the door leaving me alone. I turned around in the bed to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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